EE 109 - Fall 2024 Introduction to Embedded Systems


Exam Time Info
Quiz Tues., Oct. 1 at 7 PM Pacific Info
Midterm Tues, Nov. 5 at 7 PM Pacific Info
Final Sat., Dec. 14 at 2:00 PM Pacific Info


Week Lecture - Tuesday Lab - Wednesday/Friday Lecture - Thursday
Course overview, embedded systems, computer organization
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[ Day 1 Survey ]
[ Watch this video BEFORE you come to Lecture 2 ]
Lab 0: Installing the Arduino Toolchain (Linux tutorial, software installation) Basic circuit analysis (voltage, current, Ohm's law)
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Transistors, Digital logic, combinational and sequential circuits
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Lab 1 - Electronic circuits (exploration of KVL/KCL/Ohm's laws) Boolean Algebra (Single-variable theorems)
Combinational and sequential circuits
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Number systems, binary, hexadecimal, character codes
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Lab 2 - Oscilloscopes, combination gate network, delays Microcontollers 1 (bitwise operations)
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Microcontrollers 2 (digital I/O)
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Lab 3: Digital I/O lab with Arduinos Microcontroller 3 (advanced bit fiddling), State machines
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More State machines
LCDs and parallel interfaces
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Lab 4: LCDs Combinational logic design 1 (Minterms/maxterms)
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Combinational logic design 2 (Boolean Algebra, Karnaugh maps)
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Lab 5: Analog to Digital Conversion Combinational logic design 3 (More Karnaugh maps)
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Fall Break
Combinational logic design 4 (Components: Decoders and Muxes)
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Lab 6: Timers Muxes
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Signed Number Systems
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Lab 7: Rotary Encoders Adders
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Sequential logic 1 (latches, FFs and registers)
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Lab 8: Pulse Width Modulation Sequential logic 2 (latches, FFs and registers)
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Hardware State Machines (1)
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Lab 9: Hardware Datapath Components Hardware State Machines (2)
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Hardware components (ALUs, registers, instruction cycle)
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Project Processor Organization (Design of CPU)
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Processor Organization (Design of CPU)
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Project (checkpoint 1 due) Performance
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Thanksgiving Holiday
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Project Demos Interfacing (voltage and current capabilities)
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[ Review ]