EE 109 - Fall 2024 Introduction to Embedded Systems

What, When and Where

Sat. Dec. 14 at 2 p.m.


The test will be taken via pencil/pen/paper.

Please bring:


The exam is cumulative. So topics from the quiz and midterm will appear on the final exam, but will be focused on the applications from the second half of the semester. So you still need to know fundamental concepts (e.g. binary representation, implementing combinational logic functions with minterms, Boolean Algebra, Arduino programming basics and digital I/O, etc.). But, those topics will likely be tested in the context of what we’ve covered since the midterm. A more detailed list is given below:

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Unit 11

Unit 12

Unit 13

Unit 14

Unit 15

Unit 16

Unit 17 - No Question in Fall 2024

Unit 18

Unit 19

Lab Skills

Appendix C - Timers

Appendix D - Serial - No Questions in Fall 24


The exam will have some general short answer/fill in the blank question, and the rest will focus more on ability to apply knowledge through problems similar to your homeworks but requiring the use of 1 or more concepts that demonstrate understanding. You should know the material and procedures for solving problems well enough that you can quickly produce solutions once you identify the procedure to apply. If you spend unnecessary time trying to recall what procedure applies and how to perform that procedure you will likely run out of time.

Some problems will require work to be shown. Others, will simply require you to choose the answer from multiple options (similar to some homeworks).

Ways to Prepare


Here are some sample problems from past (related) exams. If a topic above is not represented in the practice exams below, you are still responsible for questions on that topic (i.e. there can/will be questions on the topics above that do not have corresponding practice problems in the exams below). However, most of the design-based problems you will see on the exam are represented in the practice exams below. Be sure to go over the topic list above and ensure you are ready. Most exams below use the encoded method of state machine design, but we will test you on the 1-hot approach.