Spring 2025 Information
The following links are specific to the Spring 2025 semester.
- Lab kits containing tools and parts for most of the labs this semester will be handed out during the first week’s lab sessions in VHE 205. See this page for a list of what should be in the lab kit and what it is used for.
Exam Info
The information available about the exams from the links below will be updated for this semester’s exams as the date for the exam approaches.
Digital Logic Related Practice Problems
- Practice problems organized by relevant homework
- Practice problem solutions organized by relevant homework
Software Tools
- Information on installing an AVR toolchain on your own system.
- Additional toolchain information - Tips on using the AVR toolchain and solving issues
- Bit fiddling - Generate practice bit fiddling problems to set, clear, test and copy bits
Hardware Tools
- Buying a DMM - A short guide for shopping for a digital multimeter.
Submitting and Grading Labs using
Follow these instructions for submitting and grading labs.
- Lab Assignment Setup - Recommended steps for setting up the files for an EE109 labs assignment.
- Command Line Reference - A brief introduction to using the command line interface on Mac and Windows systems.
- Arduino Ports - Diagram of the mapping from Atmel ATmega328P ports to the Arduino Uno ports names.
- Interrupt Vectors - List of the names of the interrupt vectors that are used when writing an ISR.
- Serial Data - Using the Keysight scopes to view serial data.
- ATmega328P datasheet - Full Atmel datasheet on the ATmega328P microcontroller
- C Operator Precedence - A chart of operator precedence in the C language.
- Indenting C Programs - A guide to recommended indenting of C programs
- Viterbi Learning Program (VLP) offers tutoring for this class.
Other stuff
If you are interested in purchasing electronic components for building projects, here are some links to places we buy parts from.
- Digi-Key - This is our primary supplier of electronic components. They have a large inventory, the prices are reasonable, and we usually get the order pretty quickly. However the size of their inventory sometimes makes it hard to find things.
- Jameco Electronics - This is another supplier we use for supplies. Their inventory is smaller than Digi-Key and it’s sometimes a bit easier to find things. They used to have a nice printed catalog but not any more.
- Adafruit, Sparkfun - These companies sell a lot of interesting items for the hobbyist/experimenter. Both companies sell a lot of “breakout boards” where they have mounted small IC’s that are difficult to work with on PCBs what make connections to the IC easier.
- Parallax, DFRobot - These are similar to Adafruit and SparkFun in that most of the stuff is for the hobbyist.
- Phoenix Enterprises - They seem to have a good selection of connectors and parts for wire-wrapping.
- Newark and Mouser Electronics - These two are major suppliers to the electronics industry with very large inventories. Not sure if they have minimum order amounts that may make it hard for the hobbyist but they are worth a look.
- Apex Surplus - This is a large electronics surplus store in an industrial area of the San Fernando Valley (8909 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley). If they have something you need, you can probably get it at a good price, but it’s sometimes hard to find things. It’s definitely worth at least one trip there just to see the place, and its storage area outside in the back.