###We are going to meet thrice a week for about 6 weeks! Here is the breakdown of what we'll do during those times:
####• Week0: Introductions; C++
####• Week1: C++
####• Week2: C++
####• Week3: C++; Java
####• Week4: Java
####• Week5: Java; Misc
####• Week6: review; Final exam
###Lecture notes/slides/HWs/labs etc. will all be on this site (in these pages). None of these will be on D2L, Blackboard etc. [although you'll use D2L to submit your HWs and access scores].
###As for programming tools ("IDE"s), we will use [Code::Blocks](IDEs/CodeBlocks.html) (or CodeLite if you're on a Mac) for C++ coding; for Java, we'll use 'drjava'. We might also use alternate (eg. online) environments on occasion, just to get you familiar with the idea of using them.
###As an alternative to Code::Blocks/CodeLite or drjava, you can use anything else you might be familiar with, eg. Xcode, Sublime, JetBrains, Eclipse, Visual Studio, etc.
###There are also browser-based shells for running code:
####* https://replit.com/new/cpp - try this before you try the others below :)
####* http://cpp.sh
####* http://www.tutorialspoint.com/compile_cpp_online.php
####* http://www.ideone.com
###Note: you can use Chrome to print the slides for each lecture below, ie. save as a PDF file. To bring up a slideshow as a single printable (to PDF) page, press 'a' [pressing 'a' again will switch it back to a slideshow, ie. 'a' is a toggle].