<!-- ********************************** --> ####&nbsp; ###You are going to have four homeworks (plus weekly lab sessions, for practicing writing code and for getting extra help on homeworks), and at the end of the term, a Final exam. Your overall letter grade will be based on your **homework** and **exam** scores' weighted total (see 'Grading' below); the **labs are not graded.** <div style="height:1px;border:1px solid black;"/> ###**HWs** ###Two homeworks will be in C++, and the other two, in Java. All of these are **individual** homeworks, ie. you should do them by yourself (and not "collaborate" with others). All will be coding-related assignments. ###You need to submit the source files for your assignments, on D2L. **YOU \*ALONE\* ARE RESPONSIBLE for ensuring that the submissions take place, and take place properly (ie. no empty files etc.) - you CAN'T rely on us to come after you to ask you to resubmit.** ###There will be a 10% penalty, for each day you are late (if you submit after the deadline passes). ###The links below will become active at the appropriate times, till then they will appear 'broken'. ###<a href="HW1/HW1.html">HW1</a> ###<a href="HW2/HW2.html">HW2</a> ###<a href="HW3/HW3.html">HW3</a> ###<a href="HW4/HW4.html">HW4</a> <div style="height:1px;border:1px solid black;"/> ### **Labs** ###The lab sessions are primarily there so you can work on small exercise questions, and get hw-related questions answered. ###The labs are not exclusively for exercises and homework-related content - you can use lab time to ask about material covered in the lectures as well. Labs are NOT graded. ###The links below will be made available as the course progresses, till then they will remain 'blank'. ###<a href="labs/Lab1/index.html">Lab1</a> ###<a href="labs/Lab2/index.html">Lab2</a> ###<a href="labs/Lab3/index.html">Lab3</a> ###<a href="labs/Lab4/index.html">Lab4</a> ###<a href="labs/Lab5/index.html">Lab5</a> <div style="height:1px;border:1px solid black;"/> ### **Exam** ###The final exam is going to be an 'open' one, where you can look up ANYTHING you want, online - class notes, your homework+lab code, search results, **anything** at all!. ###<a href="fn-samp/exam.html">Here</a> is a sample final exam - the actual one from last year! <div style="height:1px;border:1px solid black;"/> ### **Grading** ###Here is the weightage for the HWs and the exam: ####&bull; HW1: 15% ####&bull; HW2: 25% ####&bull; HW3: 15% ####&bull; HW4: 25% ####&bull; Final: 20% ###The awarding of the letter grade at the end of the course will be based on your RELATIVE performance (wrt others in your class) and not on an absolute scale. ###All your HW scores will be available on D2L (not on Blackboard), ongoing. D2L is also where your Final exam's score will be, and after the exam, the letter grade too. Note: any letter grade you see during the course of the term is NOT your actual grade, it's just a stand-in (proxy)! Your real letter grade will appear on D2L, only AFTER the Final exam. <div style="height:1px;border:1px solid black;"/> ###**Advice**: do NOT go through the entire course with just the final letter grade in mind - instead, focus on learning coding well, and enjoy the process! In today's ultra-packaged world, coding is something that will give you the joy of CREATING ("crafting") useful, powerful and fun tools/toys :) **Coding can be both an avocation and a career, and can be useful your entire life.** <div style="height:1px;border:1px solid black;"/> ###&nbsp; <!-- ********************************** --> <hr class="style1">