Binary Tree Traversal

1 - Binary Trees

What does it mean for a tree to be binary?

A Binary Search Tree is a specific type of binary tree. In a BST, left children (the left subtree) hold values that are less than the parent’s value, and right children (the right subtree) hold values greater than the parent’s value.

2 - Traversals

A traversal is a methodology for stepping through a structure (such as using Breadth-First Traversal as opposed to Depth-First Traversal on a graph). BFS is sometimes called “Level-Order Traversal”. In the case of DFS, there are a few different ways we can traverse.

The three main DFS traversals are Pre-Order Traversal, In-Order Traversal, and Post-Order Traversal. In each of these traversals, we must eventually operate on every node. The difference between these traversals is lies in the order nodes are operated on.

Pre-Order Traversal

// Operate on current node
// Recurse left
// Recurse right
// return

In-Order Traversal

// Recurse left
// Operate on current node
// Recurse right
// return

Post-Order Traversal

// Recurse left
// Recurse right
// Operate on current node
// return

Exercise 1

Given this binary tree:


What order will the nodes be printed out with Pre-Order traversal? In-Order? Post-Order?

Exercise 2

Given a binary tree, write a function to return the level order traversal of its nodes’ values. (i.e. from left to right, level by level).