We have posted the full test suite for HW1 in the resources repo, hw1_tests folder. We will post full test suites for some but likely not every assignment since testing is an important skill that we will want you to build for yourself. However, here are the details for configuring, running, and debugging our grading tests. They use the Google Test Suite and a compilation tool cmake. Please read the entire post to understand all the features.`

How to Get and Use the Tests

make and ctest should be rerun each time you change your source files in the folder above. Note that ctest runs ALL the tests. See below for how to run individual tests to shorten your test/debug cycle.

How to Debug Test Failures

or: How to Stop Panicking and Start Debugging

So, some of your tests are failing, which means there’s a problem with your code. Don’t worry, that’s totally normal.

The first thing you’ll want to ask yourself is, which homework problem is the issue occurring on: label_tests (hw1), parse_tests (hw2), searcheng-tests (hw2)? In most HWs there’s a different subdirectory for each (sub)problem under the hw1_tests folder (though for our HW1 there is only label_tests. Go into the appropriate subfolder and you should find an executable for the tests for that problem (e.g. label_tests, parse_tests, etc.). You SHOULD spend time looking at the source code of our tests to get an idea of what is happening in the tests that are failing. You can also run that executable ./label_tests and you should see output for each test that looks like:

Running main() from gtest_main.cc
[==========] Running 19 tests from 7 test cases.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from LabelList
[ RUN      ] LabelList.Nominal
[       OK ] LabelList.Nominal (0 ms)
[----------] 1 test from LabelList (0 ms total)

You can also run a subset of tests using the --gtest_filter option to the executable:

./label_tests --gtest_filter=MsgToken.*

which will run all the MsgToken tests, or

./label_tests --gtest_filter=Remove.UnlinkNodeLabel

You can run the tests in gdb or valgrind directly (or see below for running a single test case in gdb:

gdb ./label_tests


valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes ./label_tests

USING GDB: Also you can debug a particular test by using the command: make debug-TEST_NAME where TEST_NAME is the test name shown in the output. For example, make debug-LabelList.Nominal would start gdb on that test case and allow you to run, set breakpoints, etc.