Skeleton Code

Skeleton files for the problems below can be downloaded here. There is a subfolder for each of the two problems below.


1. (14 pts) Inheritance And Class Hierarchies

Billy Bruin wrote a class in inh.cpp that models a college course and its assignment from numeric grades to corresponding letter grades. Each course object must store the course name (e.g. "CS104") and a map of student names and their numberic grades (map<string,double>). The map of grades can be set by calling setGrades(). The objective of this class is to output letter grades via a function outputGrades(). However, to determine letter grades, there are 3 types of classes:

Currently, the code provided in inh.cpp implements these 3 course types in a single Course class. Your task is to alter the code to introduce a class hierarchy (base and derived classes with appropriate hierarchy), such that:

We will score your submission based on its adherence to the above bullets and the level to which it meets those requirements.

2. (18 pts) ADTs and STL


In this problem, you will complete a class to model a Piazza-like system of “posts”, some of which can be “pinned” and which can be searched quickly to see if they contain a particular term/word.

Classes and Your Task

We have provided a Post object that can be used to store the text of the post and, potentially other information of your choice, and act as a single item in a linked list.

Furthermore, we have implemented a rudimentary PostList that provides code to implement a simple linked list of Posts. You must use this class in the implementation of the Piazza class below.

Your task is to implement the Piazza class. This class inherits from PostList (you should determine the kind of inheritance). This class implements the notion of a pinned post which is a subset of the overall list of posts. In addition, the user can query how many posts contain a particular word/term. This query should be performed efficiently (see the runtime requirements in the header file.)

Complete the Piazza class (in piazza.h and piazza.cpp) by choosing the kind of inheritance, adding data members, specifying any inheritance relationship, implementing the public functions according to the requirements and run-time limits provided in the comments in the header file, and adding any private helper functions you wish. You may add data members to the Post struct as you deem useful.

Public operations of the Post class include:

You do not have to support removal/deletion of posts.

You may use std::vector, std::set, and std::map. You may not use std::list. If you want a linked-list you will need to write code to manage it yourelf. (That doesn’t mean you should write a list class but can just embed code to manage a linked list…and you may define new structs).

Again, the specifics of each post are listed in the documentation/comments in the header file. You must meet these requirements including the run-time requirements listed.

Running and Testing your Code

We have provided a Makefile with a make test rule that will compile your code and run a few unit tests define in piazza-tests.cpp. You are welcome to add to this file as you see fit.