Due at the end of your lab section

You are expected to show your work to any CP/TA to get checked off during the lab section you registered for. If you are sick or cannot make it for some reason, please email bgbell@usc.edu.

Jamie’s GDB House of Horrors

Can you survive the maze of segfaults, and banish a battery of blatantly bad behavior, all in the name of improving your GDB skills? This lab will guide you through hunting down the kind of bugs that keep programmers awake at night. Do you dare take it on?

Lab Materials

The files we’ll be using for this lab are posted in the sp24-labs repository that you used last week. cd into where this repository is located for you in a Terminal window, and type git pull to get the lab 2 resources. After doing this, you should see a lab2 folder pop up within your labs folder. In the lab2 directory, you should see the following files:

  1. answers.txt
  2. game_of_pointers_student1.cpp
  3. game_of_pointers_student2.cpp
  4. input1.txt
  5. input2.txt
  6. input3.txt
  7. Makefile
  8. output1.check
  9. output2.check
  10. output3.check

What is a debugger?

At its core, a debugger is a tool used to inspect a program while it is running. You run it on the command line, passing an executable as an argument, and it interposes itself between the program and the system and monitors everything that the program does. It runs through a program until it hits a preset point, called a breakpoint, which tells it to pause the program. When paused, you can ask it to evaluate variables, call functions, and examine the call stack. You can then resume your program, or step through it line-by-line.

Debuggers are critical tools in any programmer’s debugging arsenal, and are best when you need to trace the flow of your code through a complex process or algorithm. Today, we will be illustrating how to use one! But first, let’s go over some common tips and tricks for debugging.

Identify the Issue

The most common two ways your code will terminate (besides a successful execution) is by a Segmentation Fault (SIGSEGV) or by an Abort (SIGABRT). These will automatically trigger the debugger to break, so you don’t have to.

The other issues could be:

Isolate the Problem

In order to successfully find the issue, you need to be able to answer a few questions:

  1. What line is the problem occurring on?
    • Read through long standard library backtraces. Often, a segfault or exception will happen deep inside C++ standard library code, and you will get a backtrace with several frames of obscurely named and templated functions at the top. Just ignore those, and find the highest frame that mentions your code. That is usually where the actual error is.
    • Use Valgrind as well. If all you need is the backtrace for a segfault, Valgrind can give that to you without any hassle. Also, note that GDB will always stop on the first memory error. Valgrind, on the other hand, will keep continuing the program until there’s an unrecoverable error. This can help you see the bigger picture for certain memory issues.
    • You can also use break points and cerr statements to find what line the problem is occurring on.
  2. When does this bug occur?
    • Are their certain situations where the issue presents itself?
    • Is it only when I am using a certain function or trying to do a specific action.
  3. Can I reliably produce this bug over and over again?
    • Create a separate test case to make the problem clear.

Why is the Issue Occurring?

The main question to ask is, “is the problem conceptual, logical, or coding error?” To answer, understand what your function/code is trying to and then use cerr statements or GDB in order to identify what the values of variables are to determine if they are correct or not.

GDB Command Cheat Sheet

This cheatsheet is also available on the wiki for future reference.

Game of Pointers

The code we will be debugging today is a student assignment from a past iteration of the class. The details are not super important, but essentially it is a simulator for a battle between two armies, the protectors and the invaders. The members of one row/column of each army duel in each skirmish, and the battle ends either when there is a gap in the ranks of the protectors, or when the protectors are able to last through every round of the fight. The twist is that one of the armies is laid out sideways, so row i of the invaders duels column i of the protectors. Think of it like matrix multiplication, but with more violence!

Two students (whose names have been omitted to protect the guilty) attempted this problem, but didn’t get it quite right. We’re now going to find the bugs in their programs with GDB.


For each problem below, answer in answers.txt with:

Problem 1 (Guided)

Okay, so let’s check out the first student’s program. Open a terminal in the assignment directory, and run the simulation with make test_game1.

Remember to open a shell before proceeding (ie, by running ch shell csci104). If you don’t have a container running yet, remember to run ch start csci104 before opening a shell!

You should get something like:

                   Testing Student 1's Game
./game_student1 input1.txt output1-stu1.txt
Makefile:15: recipe for target 'test_game1' failed
make: *** [test_game1] Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Uh-oh. That’s not good. In the past, you might have ran screaming from an error like this, but now we have tools to attack it! Run GDB on the program with the terminal command gdb ./game_student1. You should now have a terminal prompt that looks like:


The program has not been started yet, and GDB is now awaiting your commands. Just to practice, let’s set a breakpoint at the start of the program so it will stop right away. Run the command break main. You should get:

(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401d81: file game_of_pointers_student1.cpp, line 198.

Now, let’s start the program, supplying the command line arguments for its input and output files: run input1.txt output1-stu1.txt. You should get:

(gdb) run input1.txt output1-stu1.txt
Starting program: ./game_student1 input1.txt output1-stu1.txt

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=3, argv=0x7fffffffdc58)
    at game_of_pointers_student1.cpp:198
198	{

GDB has now started your program, and it stopped on the breakpoint we set earlier. You can set these breakpoints on any function name or source line in your code, and GDB will stop there.

If you enter the n command a few times, you can now step through the main function one line at a time. Cool, right? However, it would take forever to search through the entire program this way. Instead, let’s just head straight to the segfault. Luckily, GDB automatically breaks on segfaults, so we don’t have to worry about breakpoint positioning right now. Enter c to continue straight to the issue. You should get:

(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000402050 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>)
    at game_of_pointers_student1.cpp:252
252	            invaders[invaderRow][invaderCol]->power = invaderRow * 10 + (invaderCol + 1) * 10;

GDB is now at the point of the segfault, ready for you to analyze what’s wrong. Since the segfault is occurring on this line, we already have a pretty big clue on what’s wrong. There’s only one pointer being dereferenced here. Let’s check out its value: print invaders[invaderRow][invaderCol]

(gdb) print invaders[invaderRow][invaderCol]
$1 = (Warrior *) 0x0

GDB is telling us it’s a null pointer! Fantastic! We now know where the problem is, and that’s usually more than half the battle in debugging. But we still have to figure out why it’s null. Open game_of_pointers_student1.cpp and look at what allocates invaders[invaderRow][invaderCol], on line 249:

invaders[invaderRow][invaderRow] = new Warrior();

See anything suspicious on that line? Perhaps, with the array indices of invaders? Compare the indices on that line to the ones used on line 252. The issue should be fairly clear.

Problem 2 (Semi-Guided)

When you run make test_game1 again, you should see that the segfault is fixed, but the program fails its first test case. The output file should be

Invader killed
Duel ends in draw
Winner: protectors

but instead it’s

Invader killed
Invader killed
Winner: protectors

Clearly there is some sort of logic error affecting the result of the second duel. To debug this, we will need to trace the issue back through the code. It looks like "Invader killed" is being output inside skirmish() at line 135:

else if (result == result_protector)
	output << "Invader killed" << std::endl;
	delete invader;
	invader = nullptr;

result, meanwhile, comes from the call to getDuelResult() on line 99.

That if statement looks like a good place to start our investigation. We can check if the result really is set wrong, or if there is some sort of logic error causing result to be interpreted incorrectly.

Again, run GDB on the game_student1 executable. Since we want to investigate the if statement in skirmish, let’s set a breakpoint on line 101: break game_of_pointers_student1.cpp:101 Next, run the program from GDB like you did in Problem 1.

(gdb) run input1.txt output1-stu1.txt
Starting program: ./game_student1 input1.txt output1-stu1.txt

Breakpoint 1, skirmish (protectors=protectors@entry=0x61a0a0,
    invaders=invaders@entry=0x61a0c0, skirmish_col=0, rows=2, columns=3,
    reserves=@0x7fffffffd724: 1, output=...)
    at game_of_pointers_student1.cpp:101
101			if (result == result_invader)

Now, the program ran until it hit the breakpoint. However, only the second duel is producing an incorrect result, so we want to wait until the second time this code runs. Continue the program once with c.

(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, skirmish (protectors=protectors@entry=0x61a0a0,
    invaders=invaders@entry=0x61a0c0, skirmish_col=0, rows=2, columns=3,
    reserves=@0x7fffffffd724: 1, output=...)
    at game_of_pointers_student1.cpp:101
101			if (result == result_invader)

Now, we’re at the second skirmish. Check the value of result with print result.

(gdb) print result
$1 = "protector"

Now we have some useful information. Clearly result is being set wrong in getDuelResult(). Your job is to figure out why. Set a breakpoint wherever you think is appropriate, restart the program using the same run command as you used before, and figure out what the issue is inside getDuelResult(). Describe your solution and your fix in answers.txt.

Problem 3 (Semi-Guided)

Run make test_game1 in terminal, and you should see the first test pass! Unfortunately, the second test gets stuck in an infinite loop. Luckily, GDB lets us debug infinite loops easily! We may not be able to catch the issue with a breakpoint since we don’t know where the loop is, but there is another strategy that works great here.

First, load the program into GDB and run it without setting any breakpoints. Don’t forget to use the second input and output files in this run command!

Like you can cancel a program on the command line, GDB lets you use ctrl-c to stop a program wherever it currently is. Hit ctrl-c now to break the infinite loop.

(gdb) run input2.txt output2-stu1.txt
Starting program: ./game_student1 input2.txt output2-stu1.txt
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x000000000040142f in findOpenInvaderPos (invaders=invaders@entry=0x61a0c0,
    numRows=numRows@entry=5, numCols=numCols@entry=2)
    at game_of_pointers_student1.cpp:64
64				if (invaders[rowIdx][colIdx] == nullptr)

So, the code is stopped at some point within the infinite loop, but we don’t really know where in the program we are. To find out, use the backtrace command: bt

(gdb) bt
#0  0x000000000040142f in findOpenInvaderPos (invaders=invaders@entry=0x61a0c0, numRows=numRows@entry=5, numCols=numCols@entry=2)
    at game_of_pointers_student1.cpp:64
#1  0x0000000000401a55 in skirmish (protectors=protectors@entry=0x61a0a0, invaders=invaders@entry=0x61a0c0, skirmish_col=1, rows=2, columns=5, reserves=@0x7fffffffd724: 1, output=...)
    at game_of_pointers_student1.cpp:103
#2  0x0000000000402112 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>)
    at game_of_pointers_student1.cpp:284

This backtrace contains a wealth of useful information. Each numbered paragraph represents one frame in the current call stack of the program. Frame #0 is always the current function, and we see frames going up to the main() function of the program. The first hexadecimal number is the address of the function in memory (not really important right now). Next, we have the name of the function and the arguments it was called with, and finally the file and line number. The backtrace is an extremely useful tool since it lets you get a quick glance at which functions were called to bring the program to its current state.

We are also able to move around through the backtrace and inspect the environment at each stack frame. Let’s switch to frame 1 with the command frame 1.

(gdb) frame 1
#1  0x0000000000401a55 in skirmish (protectors=protectors@entry=0x61a0a0, invaders=invaders@entry=0x61a0c0, skirmish_col=1, rows=2, columns=5, reserves=@0x7fffffffd724: 1, output=...)
    at game_of_pointers_student1.cpp:103
103				Warrior **firstOpenInvaderPos = findOpenInvaderPos(invaders, columns, rows);

The program is in skirmish() at line 103. Let’s check out the values of columns and rows.

(gdb) print columns
$1 = 5
(gdb) print rows
$2 = 2

Those numbers match the dimensions in input2.txt, so they seem legitimate. Your job, now, is to figure out why the code is getting in a loop. I highly suggest changing back to frame 0 and stepping the code forward with n to figure out where exactly it is looping.

Problem 4

Now, run the second student’s program by running make test_game2 in the terminal. You’ll find that the code won’t finish executing because of a segmentation fault.

When debugging this error, keep in mind that the invader and protector arrays are different sizes. Try to find out what those sizes are, and determine whether they’re used consistently in the AllocateWarriors and DeallocateWarriors functions.

After you’ve fixed it, you should be passing two of the three tests.

Problem 5

A common use case of GDB is to figure out which code path is executing. In cases where there are many conditional statements, GDB can be a much quicker tool to use than print statements. Student 2’s code contains a logical error: some duels aren’t turning out as they should. Run make test_game2 and use your test output along with GDB to figure out exactly what went wrong.

You will probably want to break the code inside Skirmish() and observe how the logic in there is behaving. The most straightforward way to do this is to set a breakpoint on the first if statement in that function. Once GDB breaks there, you will be on the first call to Skirmish(). If you want to go to the next call, just resume the program with the c command and wait for it to hit the breakpoint again. Think, which call to Skirmish() does the program output the wrong thing on? Go to the correct iteration and step through the logic, and the issue should show itself.

That’s it!

You have stood fast in the face of overwhelming peril, and banished the bugs back to whence they came! The world the town your computer is safe once again!