Introduction to Git

Git is a distributed source code version control system. When you place your code under version control, you record the changes you make to your files over time and you can recall the history of each of your file changes at will.

GitHub is a development ecosystem based around git. In this course, we will be using GitHub to host our lab git repository and help you save versions of your homework.

If you have not done Lab 0 to set up your GitHub account or install Docker or a VM, please do so now.

Important: Using the correct terminal

In order to complete this lab, make sure you are using the correct terminal to run commands:

ch start csci104
ch shell csci104

From now on, every sequence of command we show you would be annotated with either [native] or [docker]. This denotes the terminal you should be running the command from if you are using Docker. (If you are using the VM, then always use the VM terminal).

Examples (You do NOT need to run these commands):


notepad.exe cat.txt

The above command shall be ran from your native terminal.


vim cat.txt

The above command shall be ran from your Docker terminal.

Creating a GitHub repo and obtaining the example files

The Concept of the working directory

Every open terminal has a working directory. When you run a command inside that terminal, the command would interpret paths and filenames to be relative to that working directory, for example:

mkdir sub

creates the subdirectory named sub under the current working directory. If the working directory is /usr/root/parent, then this will create the directory /usr/root/parent/sub.

Step 1. Changing working directory to Docker’s assigned /work directory

First open your native terminal. Then, change the working directory to the directory you assigned to Docker during setup.

If you are working on the course VM, you may use any directory you like on the VM (e.g. ~/csci104).

The command for changing the working directory is cd (which stands for “change directory”). In my case, the path to change to is: C:\Users\rin\Documents\csci104\home (yours might be different, depending on how you configured your docker), therefore I just type:


cd C:\Users\rin\Documents\csci104\home

Note: You will need double quotes around the path if your path contains space, e.g. cd "C:\My Documents\Home"

If you have forgotten which path you have assigned to Docker, you could check it by typing:


ch list

And you will see an output that looks like:

Name:   csci104
        Image:  usccsci104/docker:20.04
        Volume: C:\Users\rin\Documents\csci104\home:/work
        SecOpt: seccomp:unconfined
        CapAdd: SYS_PTRACE
        Port:   :2222

The path after Volume: (excluding :/work) is what you are looking for. The idea is that when you open and edit files in your native editor (VSCode, Xcode, Notepad++, TextMate, etc.) they will be saved in the working directory of the Docker image. Then when you run commands in Docker the files will be there.

Step 2: Creating a GitHub repo and downloading the example resources

These step assumes that you have already finished the git, GitHub, Codio integration and SSH key setup from Lab 0. If you haven’t done lab 0 yet, do it now.

Step 2.1 Create a GitHub repo for this lab (for practice)

Navigate to GitHub and click the green “New” button. Or you can link there directly

Click “Create Repository”

When the repo is created GitHub will show the repo “URL” (either HTTPS or SSH). Copy the SSH version to your clipboard (there is a button for that).

Step 2.2 Creating an new repo on your development environment and connecting to GitHub

Once you are inside the correct working directory (i.e. within your csci104 folder that has the docker repo within it), type the following commands (replace the GHUSERNAME with your GitHub username and REPONAME with the name of your repository)


git clone (this is the thing you copied)
echo "# Lab 1 Git Practice" >
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Step 2.3 Getting the Resources from the Lab Repository

This lab looks a little different from the rest of the labs you will be doing this semester, as we made you create your own GitHub repository to practice with for this one. Usually, you can just code directly in the sp24-labs repository without having to do any copying, but for the sake of this assignment so everyone can practice pushing, there will be some copying.

In your terminal, change directories from the folder that you just made for your practice repo to the sp24-labs folder. For example, for me:


    --> /Users/bridgetbell/desktop/code/usc/cp104/practice
cd ..
    --> /Users/bridgetbell/desktop/code/usc/cp104
cd sp24-labs
    --> /Users/bridgetbell/desktop/code/usc/cp104/sp24-labs

The pwd command shows the full path of your current directory. cd with a space and two periods after it goes back a directory.

Now, pull the resources! [native]

git pull

You should see something come up about a lab1 folder.

Step 2.4 Copying the Files to Your Practice Repo

Now, we will copy the lab1 folder from the sp24-labs folder over to the practice repository we created. While we could do this with our computer GUI by dragging and dropping the files, let’s practice it through the command line!

This is the general command:


cp /path/of/source/folder /path/of/destination/folder

For me, this would then be: [native]

cp -r /Users/bridgetbell/desktop/code/usc/cp104/sp24-labs/lab1 /Users/bridgetbell/desktop/code/usc/cp104/practice

You may have to change this based on the name of your folders.Modify this command above so it works for you, then within the destination folder (the practice repo), type



Now you should see a folder called lab1!

Running the Code

The lab 1 code you just copied over is great for testing whether you have the correct environment setup to compile the rest of the labs (and homeworks if you so choose). Make sure you follow the steps below and the output on your terminal matches the ones on this page.

Step 3. Building the project

Let’s get docker up and running so we can test the code.


ch start csci104
ch shell csci104

This will take you to the csci104 folder you mounted. You should see the sp24-labs folder in this folder if you cloned it there. If you cloned this repo somewhere else, it needs to be accessible to docker!!! i.e. a subdirectory of wherever the mount point was.

Navigate to your example repo and the lab1 folder: [docker]

cd example/lab1

Note: this assumes your example repo is at the root where your shell launches (i.e. the csci104 folder). If you get a error like no such file or directory then your shell isn’t in the right place. Practice navigating around on the command line using cd to get to the right place.

Then, run the following command within the new lab1 folder:


make run

If the build is successful, you should see something like this:

Running main() from /build/googletest-j5yxiC/googletest-1.10.0/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 3 tests from 2 test suites.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 2 tests from SimpleReturnTest
[ RUN      ] SimpleReturnTest.Returns42
[       OK ] SimpleReturnTest.Returns42 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SimpleReturnTest.Returns37
test.cpp:12: Failure
Expected equality of these values:
    Which is: 36
[  FAILED  ] SimpleReturnTest.Returns37 (0 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from SimpleReturnTest (0 ms total)

[----------] 1 test from SummationTest
[ RUN      ] SummationTest.SumsAreEqual
[       OK ] SummationTest.SumsAreEqual (0 ms)
[----------] 1 test from SummationTest (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 3 tests from 2 test suites ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] SimpleReturnTest.Returns37

make: *** [Makefile:8: run] Error 1

You don’t have to worry about the red [FAILED] message as long as it shows up (it is intentional), but in case it does not show up, please ask for help from your lab instructor.

Step 4. Fixing the FAILED test case

What you have just seen above is an example of an automated test. We run automated tests to grade your assignments, and you will learn more about them in later labs. For now, you could just think of them as programs that feeds some input into your assignment code and test whether they produce the correct output.

Obviously, it is not good to have a FAILED test case! (You would lose points in an actual assignment if your program fail our test cases) So let’s fix it!

Open library.cpp and look at the function int returns_37(). As you can see it returns 36 instead of the suggested 37. If you look at the FAILED test case carefully you would see:

Expected equality of these values:
    Which is: 36

which points to exactly the same issue.

Therefore, change the return value to 37 and run make run again. This time every test should pass.

Step 5. Committing and pushing your changes

Now that you have finished the work locally, you would also want to push the changes to GitHub.

To do so, open your native terminal (you can exit docker by typing exit) , and change the working directory to the root of your practice repo. Then type


git status

The output should look like this:

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

which means that nothing from your lab1 directory is tracked by git.

To track those files run the following command:


git add .

This command tells git to track all modification you have done to the repo (adding a new file, modifying a file, deleting a file, renaming a file, etc.). You could also specify individual files to track by providing their name instead of . (e.g. git add library.cpp).

Now, if you check git status, you would see:

On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   lab1/.vscode/launch.json
        new file:   lab1/.vscode/settings.json
        new file:   lab1/.vscode/tasks.json
        new file:   lab1/Makefile
        new file:   lab1/
        new file:   lab1/library.cpp
        new file:   lab1/library.hpp
        new file:   lab1/library.o
        new file:   lab1/test
        new file:   lab1/test.cpp

(you may or may not have the .vscode folder and files, depending on your editor and settings; if you don’t see it, no worries! )

All the changes are now ready to be committed. You could now run the following command:


git commit -m "fixed the example"

This tells git to create a snapshot of the repository that reflects the changes you just asked it to track. The snapshot is called a commit. Each commit must have a message, as specified by the -m option. It can be anything, but it’s a good practice to keep it informative of what changes you have made.

Now, if you type git status, you would see:

On branch main
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 1 commit.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

nothing to commit, working directory clean

This tells that your local repo has one commit that the remote does not have. To upload the commit, simply type:


git push

Now, if you everything runs successfully, the changes you have made would be synced to GitHub. Go to the repo page on GitHub, and navigate to the repository.

If you read the library.cpp file, you should be able to see the code you have just modified.

However, if you look at the lab1 directory, you would see the file test. That is the binary files created by the make run command while building the project. As a good practice you should never push anything generated by a build process. We would deduct points if you submitted your assignment with those files (unless otherwise specified).

NOTE: You may not be able to see the library.o file on GitHub, that is to be expected with the homework repository.

Step 6. Removing the extra files from your repo

To tell git to remove the file from the repo, then type the following:

git rm lab1/test

This will remove the two files from the directory and ask git to track the removal.

Step 7. Prevent accidentally adding files with .gitignore

The git rm command only solves the problem temporarily. What if in the future you run make run again and generated the files again? It would be an annoyance to run git rm every time you push.

Fortunately, git offers a way to prevent files from being tracked by the git add command. To achieve this, create a file called .gitignore (with no extensions) in your lab1 directory, and open it in a text editor or IDE.

NOTE: a file or directory starting with . is hidden by default on most systems. To make your system show those files, follow these instructions:

Once you are inside the text editor, add the following lines:


The first line tells git to ignore any file named test. The second line tells git to ignore all files with a .o extension.

Note that since the .gitignore file is placed under the lab1 directory, the rules would only be enforced there. In general you would want separate .gitignore files for each of your assignment.


git add .
git status

you would see something like:

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   .gitignore
        deleted:    test

You could then commit and push the changes to GitHub:


git commit -m "removed extra files and added .gitignore"
git push

If you now go to the GitHub repo page, you would see that test is no longer there.

Step 8. Modifying a file on GitHub

Finally we’ll practice another pull by modifying files on the webiste.

First navigate to the file in your lab1 GitHub repo page, and click the pencil icon, then make an edit to the markdown file (any edit will do), and click Commit Changes.

** Note in general we do not recommend modifying files directly on GitHub, it is used here just for demonstration purposes **

Step 9. Pulling the change

Now change your directory into lab1 in your local terminal, and then type:


git pull

The output should look like this:

remote: Enumerating objects: 7, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), 742 bytes | 32.00 KiB/s, done.
   dcdcc61..eb57bef  main       -> origin/main
Updating dcdcc61..eb57bef
 lab1/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Now if you read the lab1/ file on your local machine, it should match the one on GitHub!

In Closing

There are tons of git cheatsheets all over the web. Here’s one by Tower and another by Atlassian. You can use one of these your make your own; git has a bit of a learning curve and at the end of the day comes down to memorizing the most useful commands and what they do. Don’t worry if it takes a little while.