Submission Instructions

Step 1. Prepare Your Code for Submission

Acceptable Document Formats

In many assignments, you will be required to submit documentation and/or textual answers. Your documentation should be in the base directory of the assignment.

The following document formats are accepted:

No other formats are accepted unless explicitly stated. These include, but are not limited to, Microsoft Word documents (e.g. .doc, .docx) and Rich Text Format (RTF) files.

Step 2. Push your commits to GitHub

After you have verified that your assignment is ready to be submitted, push your source code and all relevant files. Do not push binary files or “garbage” files. (Use the .gitignore file to make this as easy as possible on yourself as well as make clean to delete any object files or executables). You should NOT add/commit/push any of the test suite folders (and files) that may be released before the submission deadline (e.g. hw1_tests). This can easily happen if you use git add .. Instead, we recommend adding specific files (e.g. git add file1.h file1.cpp file2.h file2.cpp Makefile) or using specific wildcards: git add *.h *.cpp Makefile (which will leave out anything in a subfolder). If you do happen to add/commit/push a test suite, you can remove it by running git rm -rf hw1_tests followed by git commit -m "Removed tests" followed by git push.

Run git status on your repository and make sure that there are no files listed as:

A git status on your master branch must return:

# On branch main
nothing to commit, working directory clean

If files that you do not want to push (i.e. hw1_tests or other object files ) appear in the untracked list, add that folder/filename(s) to your .gitignore. (Note: you must add/commit/push your .gitignore like any other file).

If you need the full hash of your current commit, first make sure git status outputs as above, then run:

git log|head -n 1

This will output something like:

commit 36448c9f45d1c4de770ce4c65a6db1fb964714d8

The long string of hexadecimal digits is your hash. Copy it to your clipboard.

Step 3. Verify your commit before the Deadline

Before the deadline and after pushing your submission to GitHub, you must ( MUST ) follow the verification steps listed at the end of each assignment page to clone your repo to a separate folder and follow the process you list in your own to ensure your code compiles and works as you expect. We cannot emphasize enough how many bugs you will discover (and how many points you can avoid losing) by doing this simple 5-minute step.

Our reference grading environment is Codio. You should test your code on Codio to ensure that it works properly in the environment we will test it in.

Step 4. Submit the hash to Codio and mark your assignment as complete

When you’re ready to submit (and you’re 100% the commit at the desired hash is ready-to-go) you paste the hash into the box on the Codio guide. This will run structural checks on your GitHub repo (can the hash be checked out, do the required files exist, etc.). If the script passes, then your assignment has been submitted! If the script detects any problems it will give you some feedback on how to fix the problem. Once you are able to submit a clean hash, mark the assignment as complete.

When you mark the assignment as complete a background grading script will grade the assignment using the provided test suite against the code at your submitted SHA.

You can resubmit as often as you want – the backgrund script will grade the most recently submitted SHA.

Late Submissions

As outlined on the top-level homework page, late submissions are accepted for the first five days after the due date. After that, the assignment will close and no further submissions are allowed.

No exceptions will be made to this policy except for University approved medical reasons. Interviews, conferences, or other trips are not valid reasons to obtain an extension.

Submission FAQs

Q1. How do I check out a specific commit?

If you want to check out a specific version of your code, such as the commit used in grading your assignment, you first need to locate the SHA of that commit. As an example, to check out commit d8da410b19cf0a9f5a3003120204a114b8496942 from ttrojan’s repository, you would use:

  1. Go to your top level cs104 folder of home folder (such as cd ~)
  2. Delete your old verify folder if it exists: $ rm -rf verify
  3. Create a verify directory: $ mkdir verify
  4. Go into that directory: $ cd verify
  5. Clone your hw1 repo: $ git clone
  6. Go into the appropriate hw1 folder $ cd hw1
  7. Checkout your paritcular commit: $ git checkout d8da410b19cf0a9f5a3003120204a114b8496942
  8. Recompile and rerun your programs and tests to ensure that what you submitted works. If tests were provided you’ll need to copy or extract the tests into this folder.

This creates a new directory with the specific version of your code. While there are ways to make edits to this version and then merge those edits suitably, we recommend a more pedestrian version (unless you are a git expert, in which case feel free to do what you want - just don’t expect us to be able to fix things if you really screw them up). We recommend that you delete the verify folder and go back to your main development repo to make any changes. Once that is working, repeat the above process with a the new ha You should do this in either the root-level of the Codio assignment for the homework, or inside a private Codio project to verify that your assignment works on Codio.