CSCI 103L - Fall 2024 Introduction to Programming

MT2 Info

Overview and Process


The following is the list of topics that you should be familiar with. Use it as a guide to help your studying.

Unit 3a

Unit 3b

Unit 4a

Unit 4b

Unit 4c

Unit 4d

Unit 4e

Unit 4f

Unit 5a

Summary of Important Topics: All the topics from MT1 and prior assignments are also still requisite knowledge but the majority of the focus will be on the topics listed above. Be sure you are very comfortable with:

Practice Problems

Simple Tasks You Should Be Able To Do

File I/O and Arrays: Assume an input file with data values (strings or ints) separated by whitespace. Assume the first item in the list IS an integer of how many more items will appear. Read in all of the data items (after the first integer) and print them out in reverse order. Check to ensure each item was read successfully and quit if any item fails to be read correctly (e.g. if a string appears in the file of ints).

Sample MT2 (Gradescope and Codio)

Spring 2023 MT2

Here are some practice materials. Note that the topics they cover might be slightly different from our list of topics.


Short Practice Problems

In case you want some practice that takes less than 90 minutes, here are 5 smaller exercises (use “Select an Exercise”) of varying difficulty. They may be less relevant to topics on the midterm 2, but can serve as additional practice if desired.



Medium to Challenging:
