CSCI 103L - Fall 2024 Introduction to Programming

In-class Exercises

Create a Github account

In order to use the in-class excercises, you must have an account on If you have not created a Github account yet, follow the instructions in this section. If you already have a Github account and you wish to use it for this course, you can skip to the next section.

Github is a development ecosystem based around git. We will be using Github to authenticate your identity and you will also use it in CS 103 to store your code.

Start by visiting Github’s sign-up page. You are free to choose your username and does not necessarily need to match your USCNet account. Your email, however, should be your USC e-mail address.

You will be sent an email to verify your email address. Verify your account before proceeding.

Setup your Github Account

Follow the instructions carefully on this page.

Exercise Pages