EE 109 - Spring 2024 Introduction to Embedded Systems

Lab Submission

The screenshots below are from a different class using Vocareum but the the process for submitting EE109 labs is the same.

  1. Login to Vocareum

  2. Choose the appropriate lab in the left hand pane

    Select the appropriate lab on the left, then click “My work”

  3. Upload your code

    Select the “work” area and then click the “Upload” button. Find your file and upload it.

    Click “Close” when the upload is complete[/caption]

  4. Click Submit and Examine the Output of our Submission Script

    Click the “Submit” button and look at the results of our submission script as to whether your submission has succeeded. We check if it has the right filename and it compiles.

    Be sure to click Submit and don’t just upload your file…Without hitting submit we cannot grade your lab and it will be considered late.

  5. If You’re Submission Failed

    If your submission failed, figure out why by changing your files on your computer. Then resubmit by clicking the “work” area and going through the upload steps again.