EE 109 - Spring 2024 Introduction to Embedded Systems

Lab Assignment Setup

The following is a summary of the recommended steps that should be taken for setting up all EE109 lab assignments including the final project.

Before attempting any lab assignmemnts be sure you have all the tools installed as described in the writeup for Lab 0 including the AVR-gcc compiler toolchain and a working text editor such as Visuals Studio Code.

One time setup (both Mac and Windows)

Setup per assignment

    $ cd Desktop/ee109
    $ mkdir proj2  (or whatever name you choose)
    $ cp  Makefile  proj2   (replace proj2 with whatever name you chose)
    $ cd proj2  (or whatever name you chose)
    $ ls

Make sure you see your .c file and the Makefile (make sure it isn’t named Makefile.txt or anything different like that.)

    $ make

Fix any compile errors.

    $ ls    (look for a .hex file in the files that are printed)
    $ make flash