Welcome to EE 109 (Spring 2025)
Welcome to the home page for our Introduction to Embedded Systems course. This website will serve as the main portal to all the information and other sites related to this course. Check it often!!
Help and Course Administration Links
- For access issues to any of the course websites (Piazza, Vocareum, etc.) please email our course administrator: Murale Ramakrishnan at: mramakri@usc.edu
- OSAS Accommodations Form Upload
- Must register at least 2 weeks before the first exam or assignment, to which it applies.
Piazza/Vocareum Account Issues: Please email TA Murale Ramakrishnan at mramakri@usc.edu or make a private post on Piazza (if you have access to that site) and @-mention the TA listed above. Note: Vocareum accounts are not created until the 2nd week of the semester. Before that time, please be patient.
Missed a class? While in-person attendance is expected, Zoom information and access is discussed in the syllabus under the Recording of Lectures section.
- Isolating due to COVID? Please email your registered lecture instructor to determine appropriate support.