
At this point in the course, we’ve used a number of STL classes, which all employ tempates! Templates are how we’re able to define sets/maps/vectors/etc. of various types—ex. a set of ints versus a set of strings. Templates are great because they make our code significantly more usable, especially across different contexts.

1 - Template Motivation

You probably have already used the std::vector container a lot till now. You know that you could have vectors that contain different type of elements: std::vector<int>, std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<MsgNode*>, etc.

One way to implement std::vector is to implement it separately for every type: one for int (e.g. int_vector) and one for string (e.g. string_vector). Doing this has two problems:

To address such limitations, C++ offers an extremely powerful system called “templates”. Through templates, we can treat a type as a variable, and use it as the type in class definition. Later, when a user declares a templated object with a particular type, the compiler will substitute in the user-speficied type to generate a version of your implementation with this type.

2 - Template Example

One of the simplest templated examples we’ve encountered so far is the std::pair class. It is declared with two “types”, and values of the sepcified types are passed in to the constructor. In a templated class, functions signatures and parameters can be defined “programatically”. For example:

std::pair<int, std::string> student(1234567890, "Tommy Trojan");
std::pair<std::string, int> question("What is the answer to life, universe, and everything?", 104);

Similarly, the return values of its functions can be defined “programmatically” as well. For example:

int studentId = student.first; // returns an int
std::string answer = question.first; // returns a string

Let’s open the file pair.h and take a closer look.

2.1 - Declare the types with template < >

We list the number of programatically declared types that we’ll use in a templated class with a simple template < > tag before the class declaration and before each implementation of the class’s functions. This is important — a templated Pair class with two dynamic types is an entirely different class from a non-templated Pair class, even if they share the same name. Therefore, every time we mention a templated class, we must refer to it with template < >.

Notice that with Pair, we are listing that two classes can be specified with template <typename FirstType, typename SecondType>. It means we’re going to name the first type FirstType and the second type SecondType. These names act as variable names — wherever in this class, FirstType and SecondType refer to the specific types that the user of the templated class specified in declaration. Think of typename as their type, FirstType or SecondType as their name, just like when you declare int counter, int is the type and counter is the name, which you can later refer to in your program.

2.2 Do not pre-compile!

Another thing you’ll notice is that the class’s implementations for all its methods are included in this header file. This is not a bad practice; in fact, it is required for templated class to do so, since templated classes cannot be pre-compiled, and the reason is rather complex:

In a templated class declaration and implementation, since it uses a variable type, there is no information for the compiler to know if a member funciton or data exists.

template <typename T>
class Dummy
	void SomeFunction()
		T name;
		std::cout << name.length(); // Does T have a member function length()?

In order to resolve the linking problem, the compiler will generate a version of the templated class implementation by substituting in the type that the users try to use into the variable type.

// If a user tries to use Dummy<int> and Dummy<std::string>, the compiler will generate the following two code
// The actual generated code is not in C++ but some low-level machine code.
// C++ code is shown here for illustration purpose only.

class DummyInt
	void SomeFunction()
		int name; // Notice T is replaced with int
		std::cout << name.length(); // This should not compile

class DummyStdString
	void SomeFunction()
		std::string name; // Notice T is replaced with std::string
		std::cout << name.length(); // This should compile

From the above example, you can see that the compiler doesn’t know whether the code should compile until it sees how the user is using the code. In addition, where the class definition is and when it’s needed also depends on when and where the users use the templated class. All of these make it impossible for the compiler to compile templated class into object files ahead of time.

Since the compiler needs to do substitutions based on the use of templated class, it will do it while it’s in the user’s program, where the templated class is use, based on the implementation of the class referenced by #include. Therefore it needs to know all implementations from the header file, so we should not separate out the implementations into a .cpp file.

TL;DR: Always put your templated class implementations in the header file. Never compile a templated class into .o files. Always include the header file in the dependency list but never list it in the compile command.

3 - Using Inner Class of Templated Class

template<typename T>
class Outer
	// We don't need template<typename T> here. Inner will get it from Outer.
	struct Inner
		T val; // Inner class will share outer class's template variable name

	T GetValue();
	Inner GetInner(); // We are in class definition, so we can refer to the inner class without Inner<T>, though that will work just fine.

	Inner mInner;

// The first template<typename T> tells the compiler that we need to use T as a type variable.
// Outer<T>::GetValue is the function name. Since Outer is templated, Outer<int>::GetValue is
// very different from Outer<double>::GetValue, so must include <T> after Outer.

template<typename T>
T Outer<T>::GetValue()
	return mInner.val;

// The typename in second line at the front of function signature tells the compiler Outer<T>::Inner
// is a class or struct name, not a static variable name and Outer<T>::Inner is the return type. Again,
// since Outer is templated, we must include <T> after Outer.

template<typename T>
typename Outer<T>::Inner Outer<T>::GetInner()
	return mInner;

Check Off: Templated Linked List

We have included a simplified version of a linked list of integers,LList, in resources. Your job is to template it and make it usable with any class, not just ints.

What you need to do:

1 Bulbasaur
4 Charmander
7 Squirtle
144 Articuno
145 Zapdos
146 Moltres

Tips for Completing the Lab

template <typename T>
LList<T>::Item::Item(const T& v, Item* p, Item* n)

Notice that you could simply say Item* p because by then you are already considered to be inside the Item class.

Checking off

To get checked off, show the result after running make to one of your CPs.