HW1: Programming Assignment

General Advice

Going forward, we will refer to your homework repository as pa1-username. Note that you would replace the username part with your actual GitHub username, and you can verify this by finding the repository on Github.

Repository Reminders

  1. Never clone one repository inside another. If you have a work folder cs104 and clone your personal repo pa1-username under it (i.e., cs104/pa1-username), whenever you want to clone some other repository (such as resources), you’ll need to do it back up in the cs104 folder or another location, not in the pa1-username folder.
  2. Your repository may not be ready immediately but be sure to create your GitHub account and fill out the GitHub information form linked to at the end of lab 0.

GitHub Actions

We are using a Continuous Integration tool named GitHub Actions, which will automatically compile and run your code (along with a provided test suite if available) every time you perform a git push to your programming assignment repositories. This usually takes up to a few minutes but can vary based on program runtime.

Skeleton Code

On many occasions we will want to distribute skeleton code, tests, and other pertinent files. To do this, we have included files in pa1-username. You should clone this repository to your laptop and regularly check Piazza for updates; even we sometimes make mistakes, and when we do, we will fix them as quickly as possible, but you’ll only get the fixes when you follow our instructions.

git clone git@github.com:usc-csci104-fall2024/pa1-username.git

Again, be sure you don’t clone this repo into your resources repo, but at some higher-up point like in a cs104 folder on your machine.

Using Valgrind

If you were to compile program that takes two arguments:

$ ./program input.txt output.txt

The corresponding Valgrind command would be:

$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes ./program input.txt output.txt

Scroll through the output and look for invalid reads, writes, and the heap usage summary at the end. However, please note, that just as a doctor can only diagnose you based on the symptoms or the info you provide, valgrind can only check for errors based on what the test code exercises. If the test code never triggers code to test a function and there are memory leaks or invalid access in that function, valgrind will say no errors occurred. You are only as good as what your tests exercise, so it helps to write tests that will trigger each line of code in your class (this is often referred to as code coverage).

Command Line Arguments

In order to read parameters as command line arguments in C++, you need to use a slightly different syntax for your main function:

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // Your code here

When your program is called at the command line, argc will then contain the total number of arguments that the program was given, and argv will be an array of the arguments the program was passed.

The operating system will assign the values of argc and argv, and you can just access them inside your program.

NOTE: We recommend you don’t use additional command line arguments this assignment on split_test.cpp and ulliststr_test.cpp since it won’t work with the current GitHub Actions script.

Problem 1 (Linked Lists, Recursion, 15%)

Write a recursive function in split.cpp to split the elements of a sorted (in increasing order), singly-linked lists of integers into two sorted, singly-linked lists, where the first list contains all items with an odd value, and the second list contains all items with an even value. The original list should not be preserved (see below). Your function must be recursive - you will get NO credit if you use for, while, do while, or goto. You may always use helper functions, but the same restrictions apply to these functions as to the main function.

You should use the following Node type:

struct Node {
    int value;
    Node *next;

Here is the function you should implement:

void split (Node*& in, Node*& odds, Node*& evens);

These are prototyped in split.h for you which you can #include to your split.cpp and test file. You MAY NOT change the definitions provided in this file.

Empty lists are represented by NULL . You may assume that odds and evens are both NULL when split is called from the main function.

When your split function terminates, in should be set to NULL (the original list is not preserved), odds should point to the head of a linked list containing all items where value is an odd integer, and evens should point to the head of a linked list containing all items where value is an even integer. Obviously, your solution must not leak memory. Use valgrind to verify correct memory handling and cleanup.

Hint: by far the easiest way to make this work is to not delete or new nodes, but just to change the pointers.

While we will only test your split function, you will probably want to write some main code to actually test it. To do this, create a file split_test.cpp where you will #include "split.h" to bring in the prototype and Node definition. Then you can write a main that instantiates and fills some linked list cases (you’ll need to write these) and then calls split to test its behavior.

If you get an error NULL is not defined in this scope when compiling split.cpp or your test file, try adding #include <cstddef> to your .cpp file where you are using NULL.

Your submission should be in a file called split.cpp, and it should only contain your implementation of the function and NO main().

Problem 2 (Unrolled Linked List, 35%)

We have provided you an incomplete implementation of an unrolled doubly-linked list in the pa1-username repo.

Understanding an Unrolled Linked List

An unrolled linked list, is a normal linked list (doubly-linked in this case) but each node/item does not store a single data value but an array of values. The head and tail nodes of the linked list may have arrays that are not fully occupied so we keep first and last index to indicate where the first actual data item exists in the array (this index is inclusive) and the last data item exists (this index is exclusive and points to one beyond the last value). These arrays provide better underlying memory performance in most computers (due to caching effects that you’ll learn about in CS 356 or EE 457) and can be more space efficient.

Unrolled Linked List

In the image above we see each Item struct has a next and prev pointer as would be typical in a doubly-linked list. Then, rather than a single value, it will contain an array of a fixed size where multiple items can be placed. To track which items are used a pair of indices is used of the form: [first, last) where first is inclusive and is the index of the first used item and last is the index 1 beyond the last used index. This approach allows more natural iteration and allows computing the number of items in the range through simple subtraction (i.e. last-first). As an example, first=last=0 indicates no items are used and first=0 and last=10 indicates the 10 elements are occupied (from indices 0..9).

To track the head Item, tail Item, and size of the linked list (i.e. number of strings stored in the entire list), the head_, tail_ and size_ members of the ULListStr class are used, respectively.

The unrolled list we implement will store strings. For the sake of this homework, we will only ask you to implement the ability to add or remove a value from the front or back of the list (and not in the middle of the list). Each of these operations should run in time O(1). Pushing to the front or back should NOT require moving any values. When pushing to the front, only allocate a new Item if the current head Item has no room before the first Item. When removing an item, only deallocate an Item when the number of used values in its array reaches 0. This means there should not be “empty” nodes in the list…when no more array entries of an Item are used, deallocate the Item.

  1. You need to examine the code provided in ulliststr.h and ulliststr.cpp and add the implementations for push_back, push_front, pop_back, pop_front, back, front and getValAtLoc in ulliststr.cpp.
    • Below is an example sequence of options:

      ULListStr* dat = new ULListStr();
      cout << dat->get(0) << " " << dat->get(1) << " " << dat->get(2) << endl;
      // prints: 8 7 9
      cout << dat->size() << endl;  // prints 3 since there are 3 strings stored
    • Here is a video explanation for some of the possible implementation approaches.
    • Do NOT change any of the public member function signatures or private data members, though you may add additional member functions or data members if you deem them useful.
    • getValAtLoc is a private helper function which will return a pointer to the i-th value in the entire list (not just in a single Item’s array) and is used in several other member functions. If a non-existent location is provided to getValAtLoc, it should return NULL.
    • As you implement these member functions be sure to meet the RUNTIME requirements. Failure to do so may lead to minimal (less-than half) credit being awarded.
    • Any comments provided in the skeleton file act as requirements that you must meet.
  2. After completing the functions above, you should write a separate program name, ulliststr_test.cpp, to test your implementation. Please note that these tests will be graded (and hence you should not copy or share them with your classmates). You should allocate one of your ULListStr items and make calls to push_back, push_front, pop_back, pop_front, back and front that will exercise the various cases you’ve coded in the functions. For example, if you have a case in push_back for when the list is empty and a separate case for when it has one or more items, then you should make a call to push_back when the list is empty and when it has one or more items. It is important that when you write code, you test it thoroughly, ensuring each line of code in the ULListStr class is triggered at some point. You need to think about how you can test whether it worked or failed as well. In this case, calls to get, size, and others can help give you visibility as to whether your code worked or failed.

  3. Ensure your solution does not access memory incorrectly or leak memory. Use valgrind to verify correct memory handling and cleanup.

  4. Ensure you do not change the filenames of the skeleton we give you and that your test file is named ulliststr_test.cpp and submit it with your other files. Do NOT place a main function in the class file: ulliststr.cpp (it should be in your test file: ulliststr_test.cpp). Your test code will be graded based on the quality and thoroughness of your tests. Obviously, your own ULListStr class should pass your own tests.

  5. To compile a program of multiple files you must list ALL the .cpp files in the g++ command line AND NEVER compile a .h file on the g++ command line. Thus, your compilation commmand would look like:
g++ -g -Wall ulliststr.cpp ulliststr_test.cpp -o ullistr_test

Finishing Up

Completion Checklist

Use git status to make sure that there are no modified source code files that need to be submitted. If there are, use git add and git commit to commit those changes. Then use git push to push those changes to Github.

Here’s a summary of commands you’ll probably want to do:

git status
git add *.cpp *.h
git commit -m "Done!"
git push

WAIT! You aren’t done yet. Complete the sections below to ensure you’ve committed all your code.

GitHub Actions Summary

Commit then Re-clone your Repository (Optional)

If you want extra peace of mind on your submission or GitHub Actions isn’t working for some reason, try doing the following:

  1. In your terminal, cd to the folder that has your resources and pa1-username (i.e. cs104)
  2. Create a verify-hw1 directory: $ mkdir verify-hw1
  3. Go into that directory: $ cd verify-hw1
  4. Clone your hw_username repo: $ git clone git@github.com:usc-csci104-fall2024/pa1-username.git
  5. Go into your hw1 folder $ cd pa1-username
  6. Switch over to a docker shell, navigate to the same verify-hw1/pa1-username folder.
  7. Recompile and rerun your programs and tests to ensure that what you submitted works.