Welcome to CSCI 103 (Spring 2025)
Welcome to CSCI 103 - Introduction to Programming. This website will serve as the main portal to all the information and other sites related to this course. Check it often!!
Help and Course Administration Links
- First thing to do is read this site thoroughly and sign up for Codio and Edstem. See the syllabus for details.
- EdStem - If you do not have access, contact our administrator Tallulah Winston-Schrader (winstons@usc.edu)
- Codio - You must login to Brightspace, find our CS 103 section, go to Assignments and click the top Empty Project (for scratch) link. This will redirect you to Brightspace, ask you to pay the fee and link your account.
- If you miss a lecture due to legitimate illness, you may use this from to request the recording. Abuse of this system will result in potential consequences including denial of requests.
- For other questions related to access issues, contact our course administrator Tallulah Winston-Schrader at (winstons@usc.edu)
- Course related questions should be posted on EdStem
- OSAS Accommodations Form Upload
- Must register at least 2 weeks before the first exam or assignment, to which it applies.
- Sick or have alternate plans that prevent you from attending lab? You are already allowed certain number of lab absences for these kinds of issues. For HW and projects you should start as soon as it is assigned. If the deadline is near and you have not started, we are less likely to be able to offer fair accommodations. But for serious illness (beyond basic cold/flu) or family emergency, you can reach out to our course administrator (see below) who will manage any extension that is granted to you.
- Course administrator: we are lucky to have a dedicated course administrator to help coordinate student admin issues. If you need help coordinating an absence, OSAS accommodations, or anything else admin related please start a thread on EdStem and tag Tallulah Winston-Schrader (winstons@usc.edu).