
Spatial DBs







What is a spatial database?

"A spatial database is a database that is optimized to store and query data related to objects in space, including points, lines and polygons."

In other words, it includes objects that have a SPATIAL location (and extent). A chief category of spatial data is geospatial data - derived from the geography of our earth.

Characteristics of geographic data

Geographic data is NOT 'business as usual'!

Entity view vs field view

In spatial data analysis, we distinguish between two conceptions of space:

For our purposes, we will adopt the 'entity' view, where space is populated by discrete objects (roads, buildings, rivers..).


So a spatial DB is a collection of the following, specifically built to handle spatial data:

Soon, we will explore what types, operators and indices mean.

Examples of spatial data

CAD data:

Agricultural data:

3D data:

What can be plotted on to a map?

Who uses spatial data?

Government agencies

Various government agencies routinely coordinate spatial data collection and use, operating in effect, a national spatial data infrastructure (NSDI) - these include federal, state and local agencies. At the federal level, participating agencies include:

As you can see, spatial data is a SERIOUS resource, vital to national interests.

Where does spatial data come from?

Spatial data is created in a variety of ways:

What to store?

All spatial data can be described via the following entities/types:

Points, lines, polys => models and non-spatial attrs

Once we have spatial data (points, lines, polygons), we can:

Look at this map, overlaid with scary data..

Spatial relationships

In 1D (and higher), spatial relationships can be expressed using 'intersects', 'crosses', 'within', 'touches' (these are T/F predicates).

Here is a sampling of spatial relationships in 2D:

Another diagram showing the [binary] operations:

Minimum Bounding Rectangles (MBRs) are what are used to compute the results of operations shown above:

How can we put these relations to use?

We can perform the following, on spatial data:

Indexing: R trees

As (more so than) with non-spatial data, the creation and use of spatial indexes VASTLY speed up processing!

R trees use MBRs to create a hierarchy of bounds.

Variations, FYI: R+ tree, R* tree, Buddy trees, Packed R trees..

Indexing: k-d trees, K-D-B trees

k-d tree

Alternate: K-D-B tree:

Indexing: Quadtrees (and octrees)

Each node is either a leaf node, with indexed points or null, or an internal (non-leaf) node that has exactly 4 children. The hierarchy of such nodes forms the quadtree.

Query processing: filter, refine

Visualizing spatial data

A variety of non-spatial attrs can be mapped on to spatial data, providing an intuitive grasp of patterns, trends and abnormalities. Following are some examples.

Dot map:

Here's another one.

Proportional symbol map:

Diagram map:

Another diagram map:

Also possible to plot multivariate data this way.

Choropleth maps (plotting of a variable of interest, to cover an entire region of a map):

So who (else) has spatial extensions?


Thanks to SQL's facility for custom datatype ('UDT') and function creation ('functional extension'), "spatial" has been implemented for every major DB out there:

Google KML

Google's KML format is used to encode spatial data for Google Earth, etc. Here is a page on importing other geospatial dataset formats into Google Earth.


OpenLayers is an open GIS platform.

ESRI: Arc*

ESRI is the home of the powerful, flexible family of ArcGIS products - and they are local!

Here is a presentation from 2017, that highlights ArcGIS.

QGIS etc.

There is a variety of inexpensive/open source mapping platforms, competing with more pricey commercial offerings (from ESRI etc). Here are several:
GIS Cloud