Homework 2

Skeleton Code

Some skeleton code has been provided for you in the hw2 folder and has been pushed to the Github repository resources. If you already have this repository locally cloned, just perform a git pull. Otherwise you’ll need to clone it.

Written Portion

Problem 1 - More git Questions (6%)

In this problem, suppose we are working with a fictitious repository called SampleRepo (Note: this repo doesn’t exist so you can’t try the commands and expect them to work) which has a file README.md already committed to it. Let us now measure your understanding of the file status lifecycle in git. Please frame your answers in the context of the following lifecycle based on your interaction with the repository as specified below:

Git File Status Lifecycle

figure courtesy of the Pro Git book by Scott Chacon


Part (a):

What is the status of README.md after performing the following operations:

#Change directory to the home directory
#Clone the SampleRepo repository
git clone git@github.com:/SampleRepo.git
#Change directory into the local copy of SampleRepo
cd SampleRepo

Part (b):

What is the status of README.md and fun_problem.txt after performing the following operations:

#Create a new empty file named fun_problem.txt
touch fun_problem.txt
#List files
#Append a line to the end of README.md
echo "Markdown is easy" >> README.md

Part (c):

What is the status of README.md and fun_problem.txt after performing the following operation:

git add README.md fun_problem.txt

Part (d):

What is the status of README.md and fun_problem.txt after performing the following operations:

git commit -m "My opinion on markdown"
echo "Markdown is too easy" >> README.md
echo "So far, so good" >> fun_problem.txt

Part (e):

What is the status of README.md and fun_problem.txt after performing the following operations:

git add README.md
git checkout -- fun_problem.txt

Also, what are the contents of fun_problem.txt? Why?

Part (f):

What is the status of README.md after performing the following operation:

echo "Fancy git move" >> README.md

Problem 2 - Makefiles (8%)

Continue your answers in hw2.txt.

Part (a):

Every action line in a makefile must start with a:

  1. TAB
  2. Newline
  3. Capital letter
  4. Space
  5. It doesn’t matter, any character can start an action line

Part (b):

Look at the Makefile below and answer the following question. Assume this Makefile is in the current directory, and all required files are available.

CXXFLAGS=-I$(IDIR) -std=c++11 -ggdb

LDIR =../lib


DEPS = shape.h

OBJ = shape.o shape1.o shape2.o

%.o: %.cpp $(DEPS)
	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c  $< -o $@ 

all: shape1 shape2

shape1: shape1.o shape.o
	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(LIBS)

shape2: shape2.o shape.o
	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(LIBS)

.PHONY: clean

	rm -f *.o *~ shape1 shape2 *~

Now we run the command

make clean
make shape1

Which action(s) will get called? What compiler command(s) with what exact parameters will get executed as a result of the action(s)?

Part (c):

What is the purpose of a .PHONY rule?

Part (d):

What are acceptable names for a makefile? Select all that applies.

  1. Makefile.txt
  2. Makefile
  3. makefile.sh
  4. makefile

Problem 3 - ADTs (6%)

For each of the following data storage needs, describe which abstract data types you would suggest using. Your choices should be one of list, set, map, but realize you can compose an ADT from other ADTs (a map where the value is a list or even another map).

Continue your answers in hw2.txt.

Try to be specific, i.e., rather than just saying “a list”, say “a list of scores (doubles)” or “a list of structs consisting of a name (string) and a GPA (double)”. Indicate what the data is that you’d store and put its type in parentheses (i.e. a list of names (strings) ). Also, please give a brief (at most 2-3 lines of text) explanation for your choice. We are grading you as much on justification as your ADT identification. If you give a wrong answer, we’ll know whether it was a minor error or a major one, and can give you appropriate partial credit. Also, there may be multiple equally good options, so your justification may get you full credit.

  1. a data type that stores the college that won the NCAA basketball championship each year, in the order they won. You do not need to store the year.
  2. a data type that would store the SSN (social security number) of those who have registered to vote. We want to ensure no one can register to vote twice so we would want to do efficient lookups to see if a given SSN is already present.
  3. a data type to store all contacts and their phone numbers (home, mobile, etc.). Assume a phone number is represented as a string
  4. a data type that stores all of the 2-letter state postal codes (e.g. “CA”, “NV”, “NY”, etc.) and all the zip codes that exist in that particular state. We should be able to quickly determine if, for a given state, a zip code really does exist in that state.

Problem 4 - Class Structures and OO Design (10%)

This problem has nothing to do with the programming problem(s) below, but it will separately test your understanding of class structures and inheritance. Place your answers in PDF file named hw2_q4.pdf (Use your phone to convert hand-drawn results to a PDF, if necessary).

Imagine that you are writing a simulation of a restaurant to help make decisions about number of employees, ensure appropriate crowding levels both in the restaurant and kitchen, etc.

Note: You don’t have to worry about how time would “increase” or “pass”, nor do you have to worry about the overall coordination of who calls the higher level functions. Just consider the objects and member functions necessary to support appropriate invocation of the described functionality.

Diagram the classes (show as a box) involved from the description given. Indicate which classes are abstract, and which aren’t. Show which classes inherit from each other with an arrow and label it as public or private. Also show which classes have a “has-a” relationship to another class and indicate what container class (if any) would be used to store them (e.g., lists, sets or maps where appropriate).

You should identify the key virtual functions (and whether they are pure virtual functions). Also, identify the data members of a class insofar as they indicate “has-a” relationships.

For this problem, you can choose to draw this by hand and scan it (and submit as a JPG or PDF), or to use some graphics software (and produce a JPG or PDF), or to use UML (if you know it), or draw it using ASCII art (this may be a lot of work). Provide an explanation with your choices, i.e., tell us why you chose to have certain classes inherit from each other (or not inherit). Notice that you don’t need to do any actual programming for this problem.

Of course, there isn’t just one solution, but some solutions are better than others. Just do your best to write a class hierarchy, define member functions, and identify keep composition and data structure members to support the description above. Good explanations may help you convince us that your proposed approach is actually good.


Programming Portion

Problem 5 - Twitter (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Sets, Maps) (70%)

Project Overview

Note: You may use the C++ STL version of all data structures (i.e. vector<>, map<>, set<>, etc.) in this problem.

Our project (may be used in another homework) for the semester will be to model a microblog site such as Twitter. As you will see, it will require using quite a lot of the data structures you are learning about. At a high level, a microblog site is based on the following components:

  1. Users that follow other users (this forms a graph with users as vertices and follow relationships as directed edges)
  2. A timeline for each user (user x) that shows their posts as well as others’ posts from those that user x follows and (potentially later) posts with appropriate @ mentions
  3. Quick lookup/indexing of tagged keywords (hashtags)

For this (first) part of the project, we focus on parsing users and their feeds and searching for tweets based on hashtags. You will want to keep an eye on making your code well documented and easy to extend, as you may be adding to it later. (That said, you will also be allowed to rewrite your code later, if necessary.)

For now, while tweets may contain @username mentions you don’t have to do any special processing of these and can simply show that as text in the tweet.

Please review the code provided to you including the parsing and display functions in util.h/.cpp.

Your program will be run at the command line as:

./twitter twitter.dat

This will initially parse the provided database file for users and tweets. We have supplied a few “database” (.dat files of various sizes). There will then be a menu system for users to perform searches and enter new tweets. Finally, when the program quits, it should first write out a “feed” file for each user. All of this is described below.

C++ Guidelines: You should NOT use the auto keyword or ranged for loops for this assignment. We want you to know what the actual types are because you may see compile errors and you should be able to determine what types are needed. Later in the semester we may allow you to use those features.

Step 1 (Classes)

You will begin your task by building support to handle Users and their tweets.

Users contain:

Each tweet contains:

A DateTime class will model a timestamp. It stores the time stamp info and provides comparison operators and insertion (<<) / extraction (>>) operators. For the extraction operator (>>), you can take the input stream and read the corresponding pieces (month, day, year, etc.) into member variables (discarding the punctuation). It may be easiest to extract the text of the date and then the time from the file and then place it in a stringstream for extraction into its parts. After you try to extract a variable you should check if the stream failed by calling the .fail() function on the input stream. If it does, set the date and time to the current system time (see details below) and return. Also you do not need to verify valid ranges for year, month, day values (e.g. we’ll only give you months between 1-12).

The TwitEng class is the main interface to the application. It should store data related to your microblog engine and perform all the high level operations. Good design would separate the user interface of this application (described later) and only provide member functions to carry out the desired operations. In this way we can remove the current command line/text interface and exchange it for a GUI interface but still use the operations provided by TwitEng.

You may add other classes as needed and any other required member functions to the given classes, but must maintain the public interfaces of the classes provided in the skeleton.

Step 2 (Parsing and Twitter Feeds)

Your program will take an input file that contains all the information about users and tweets. The format of the file and an example that illustrates the format are shown below.

File Format

username following_username ... following_username
username following_username ... following_username
timestamp username tweet_text
timestamp username tweet_text
timestamp username tweet_text

Illustrative Example (twitter.dat)

Mark Tommy Jill
Tommy Jill Sam
Jill Sam
Sam Mark Tommy
2019-05-20 12:35:14 Mark #Selma was an excellent movie to remember the struggle for civil rights
2019-05-19 12:35:15 Jill Can't wait for USC football to start #pac12 #football
2019-05-20 00:56:34 Jill Is UCLAs version of TroGro named WhatsBrew'n #punny
2019-05-21 10:30:27 Sam @Mark when is the next World Cup? #football

Here Mark is following Tommy and Jill; Tommy is following Jill and Sam; and so on…

Note: A blank line will not occur in the Users section (i.e. the number you parse on the first line, must then be followed by exactly that number of lines with user info). However, a blank line encountered in the tweets section (i.e. everything after the users) should just be skipped and processing should continue.

You do not need to recover from input stream failure resulting from any format errors. So if at anytime your input stream fails due to an unexpected format error, you are free to quit the program. (You’ll notice TwitEng::parse() returns a bool which, if true, indicates an error occurred and allows the overall program to simply quite.)

Part of this assignment will be to produce one output file per user with the filename username.feed (e.g. Mark.feed, Tommy.feed, etc.). The requirements for your feed outputs are:

  1. list the username on the first line
  2. Then list all the tweets from the user as well as any users being followed (i.e. if this is Mark’s feeds then we should show any tweets from Tommy or Jill.
  3. List the tweets in sorted order from more recent to least recent

Thus, the file above should yield the following feeds:


2019-05-20 12:35:14 Mark #Selma was an excellent movie to remember the struggle for civil rights
2019-05-20 00:56:34 Jill Is UCLAs version of TroGro named WhatsBrew'n #punny
2019-05-19 12:35:15 Jill Can't wait for USC football to start #pac12 #football


2019-05-21 10:30:27 Sam @Mark when is the next World Cup? #football
2019-05-20 00:56:34 Jill Is UCLAs version of TroGro named WhatsBrew'n #punny
2019-05-19 12:35:15 Jill Can't wait for USC football to start #pac12 #football


2019-05-21 10:30:27 Sam @Mark when is the next World Cup? #football
2019-05-20 00:56:34 Jill Is UCLAs version of TroGro named WhatsBrew'n #punny
2019-05-19 12:35:15 Jill Can't wait for USC football to start #pac12 #football


2019-05-21 10:30:27 Sam @Mark when is the next World Cup? #football
2019-05-20 12:35:14 Mark #Selma was an excellent movie to remember the struggle for civil rights

Note: These feeds should be generated by TwitEng::dumpfeeds().

Your program must meet this output format to pass our automated tests!

Notice that the tweets are listed in sorted order (newest to oldest) based on the timestamp. You should use the User::getFeed() function to get the tweets for each User’s feed. This function returns a vector<Tweet*>. To sort its contents you can use the std::sort algorithm provided in the <algorithm> library. Call it like this:

sort(myfeedvec.begin(), myfeedvec.end(), TweetComp());

The TweetComp() will allow the sort() function to not compare the Tweet pointers but the DateTime contents of each tweet. It will also put the tweets in order from latest to earliest.

The user interface should support FOUR commands (we may add more later): AND (search), OR (search), TWEET, and QUIT. Information is provided about each below.

AND, OR Searches

We now want to add the ability to search tweets by hashtags. Once the program starts, allow the user to search for tweets that match a given set of hashtags or quit and write the feeds. Support both an AND and OR search strategy. In an AND search the user may provide any number of hashtags and see which tweets match ALL of those hashtags. An OR search should yield any tweet that matches ANY of the provided hashtags. These correspond to the set intersection and set union operations, respectively. By writing some global-scoped functions to compute the intersection or union of two input sets of Tweets and returning the resulting set, you should be able to compute the AND and OR search results for any number of search terms, easily and elegantly.

You should sort the results of AND and OR searches in the same way as you sort the feeds that you create upon quitting. Logic to do this has ALREADY been provided in util.h/.cpp in the displayHits() function. You MUST use that function to display the results of your searches.

This search should also be efficient. If the search query contains k terms then the search should run in in time O(k * log n) where n = number of hashtags used in the system (at the cost of some memory storage). You may assume that the number of tweets matching any single hashtag is a constant (or at least MUCH less than n). So if there is an average of T tweets that contain any particular hashtag, you can assume that O(T * k *log n) = O(k * log n).

To achieve this, you should keep an index of each hashtag term used in the entire system with the tweets that match them. Then using set intersections and unions, your code for searches can be fairly elegant and simple.

Note: Hashtags should be case insensitive. Think of a way to store them such that users searching for a hashtag #fun will match any of #FUN, #Fun, #FuN, etc.


When the user types QUIT the feed files should be generated and include any new tweets that have been added during the interactive user session.

TWEET - Adding a Tweet

When a user adds a tweet with the TWEET command, you should use the local system time as the timestamp. You can query the computer system for the current data and time and convert it to your DateTime object. It’s a bit complicated to extract the current day/time in C++ (other languages give a much cleaner library function to do this) but you are welcome to use the code provided below which populates a tm struct (you need to #include <ctime>) which you can lookup online to find how to extract the fields you need.

  // Be sure you #include <ctime>
  time_t rawtime;
  struct tm * timeinfo;
  time (&rawtime);
  timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
  // Use timeinfo pointer to access fields of the tm struct

See this link.

Note that time and localtime will likely return GMT on Docker since we haven’t configured a timezone. It should not be a problem for grading and probably is not worth trying to re-configure the Dockerfile.

Finally, when the user inputs a new tweet from the menu, simply IGNORE the command if the tweet is formatted incorrectly OR the username provided is not valid. Note that we allow a tweet’s text to be blank (i.e.) TWEET <username>. This would result in a tweet with the current system time but an empty string as the contents. It may not be ideal, but it should save you error-checking cases. Also be sure to remove whitespace from the start or end of the tweet text (see notes below on Parsing).

Provide your user a menu system and respond after each command with the desired outputs.

So when you run the program as:

$ ./twitter twitter.dat

A sample run should look like this:

  AND term term ...
  OR term term ...
  TWEET username tweet_text
  QUIT (and write feed files)

Enter command:
OR football selma
3 matches:
2019-05-21 10:30:27 Sam @Mark when is the next World Cup? #football
2019-05-20 12:35:14 Mark #Selma was an excellent movie to remember the struggle for civil rights
2019-05-19 12:35:15 Jill Can't wait for USC football to start #pac12 #football

Enter command:
AND football selma
No matches.

Enter command:
TWEET Mark Treat CS104 right #summerfun

Enter command:
AND summerfun
1 matches:
2019-06-06 09:54:48 Mark Treat CS104 right #summerfun

Enter command:
OR summerfun
1 matches:
2019-06-06 09:54:48 Mark Treat CS104 right #summerfun

Enter command:

main() is defined in twitter.cpp. This file should NOT be altered. To process commands from the user, we use a polymorphic approach. We have provided you a base class Handler in handler.h and handler.cpp. This class defines a handle function which will invoke virtual helper functions (that are protected) to see if the derived class a.) can process this kind of command and if it can, b.) actually process (carry-out) the desired command. This approach uses a common design pattern for object-oriented programming called “chain of responibility”. A great website to read more about this and other design patterns is sourcemaking.com.

We have already written one derived class to process the QUIT command in cmdhandler.h and cmdhandler.cpp. Use that as a guide for writing classes for the AND, OR, and TWEET command. You can put all the classes in the same file (cmdhandler.h and cmdhandler.cpp). If you look at the handle() function you will see its signautre is:

HANDLER_STATUS_T handle(TwitEng* eng, const std::string& cmd, std::istream& instr) const;

We will pass in the twitter engine so you have access to all of its public functionality, cmd is the identifier of the command (i.e. AND, OR, TWEET, and QUIT), and instr is the input stream from which you can read in the remaining, expected arguments for the specific command (e.g. search terms, etc.)

We included this design approach so you can see how it can make processing cleaner. If you look at twitter.cpp you’ll notice the loop to process commands is very simple and straightforward. In addition, we achieve more loose coupling because now we can add support for new commands by simply writing a new derived Handler class and instantiating it and adding it to the chain. Nothing in main() would need to change. Spend some time to understand how this is chain-of-responsibility design works and consider its benefits. If you have any questions, please talk to your instructor or TA.

To repeat, you may NOT change twitter.cpp and need to use this Handler design pattern by deriving new classes: AndHandler, OrHandler, and TweetHandler. handler.h, handler.cpp, and cmdhandler.h are complete and need not be altered. You will need to modify and add to cmdhandler.cpp where you can put the implementation of the various CmdHandler derived classes.

Note that we have created an enumerated type for return status from command handlers.

	 * Return status options from process()
	 * 	 HANDLER_OK    = successful and processing should continue
	 *   HANDLER_QUIT  = successful and processing should stop / program should quit
	 *   HANDLER_ERROR = an error occurred but processing can continue
	 *   HANDLER_KILL  = an error occurred and the program should halt immediately

Step 4 (Write a Makefile)

You will need to complete the provided Makefile. Ensure each source code file (.cpp file) has an appropriate rule written with all dependencies listed and then the final executable is produced. A change in any source code file (.h or .cpp) should cause recompilation of only the files dependent on that source file.

Other Notes

Circular Dependencies

You’ll notice that class User and class Tweet each store pointers to the other. If we simply try to #include "user.h" in tweet.h and #include "tweet.h" in user.h we will have a circular dependency of #includes (i.e. user.h will try to include tweet.h which will try to include user.h which will…). Because we only use pointers to those types in the header files, we can simply provide a forward declaration such as class User; in tweet.h which tells the compiler there will be a class User defined, we don’t know any of its specifics and thus can’t access any members, but can allow pointer declarations. We can do the same in user.h. This breaks the circular dependency of includes.

Then, and importantly once the classes are declared in the respective header files, we can #include BOTH .h files in both user.cpp and tweet.cpp. So to summarize:


Hopefully you learned how to do basic file I/O and parsing in your earlier programming course(s). We recommend reading line by line (using getline) from an ifstream and then placing the resulting line of text into a stringstream if needs to be further parsed and data extracted. Remember, after you attempt to extract any data from a stream you can check if it failed by calling the .fail() function.

Depending on where you use getline white spaces on the front or back of a string may be preserved. We have provided a trim function in the utils.h/cpp files that will remove whitespace from either end of the string. Those files also provide functions to convert the letters in a string to upper or lower case.


To test your program’s correctness, you can perform various searches and compare the result to what you can easily compute as the correct results for a small database just by your own inspection. However, we also provide a compiled solution executable, twitter_solution. By running that executable on the SAME input or searches and comparing the output to your own (e.g. the feed files), you can verify your program or just see what should happen under various input scenarios.

You can run it exactly the same way (other than the name) as your program:

./twitter_solution twitter.dat

Note: The compiled solution only runs on x86 processors running Ubuntu (i.e. Docker or our course VM).

Submission Files

Ensure you add/commit/push all your source code files, Makefile, and written problem files. Do NOT commit/push any test suite folder/files that we provide from any folder other than the resources/hw2 repo.

WAIT You aren’t done yet. Complete the last section below to ensure you’ve committed all your code.

Commit then Re-clone your Repository

Be sure to add, commit, and push your code in your hw2 directory to your hw-username repository. Now double-check what you’ve committed, by following the directions below (failure to do so may result in point deductions):

  1. In your terminal, cd to the folder that has your resources and hw-username
  2. Create a verify-hw2 directory: $ mkdir verify-hw2
  3. Go into that directory: $ cd verify-hw2
  4. Clone your hw_username repo: $ git clone git@github.com:usc-csci104-summer2022/hw-username.git
  5. Go into your hw2 folder $ cd hw-username/hw2
  6. Switch over to a docker shell, navigate to the same verify-hw2/hw-username/hw2 folder.
  7. Recompile and rerun your programs and tests to ensure that what you submitted works. You may need to copy over a test-suite folder from the resources repo, if one was provided.