"Rendering for Beginners is bound to become a must-read for anyone interested in Pixar's RenderMan. Saty's experience as both RenderMan practitioner and RenderMan teacher gives him a unique and valuable perspective. I can't wait to add a copy to my own graphics library."

Dana Batali, Director of RenderMan Development, Pixar Animation Studios
Reviews at Amazon.
Review by Deathfall's Felipe Esquivel (here is the Spanish version).
"The Barnes and Noble Review"

Pixar’s RenderMan is the unofficial gold standard for movie visual effects: You’ve seen its output everywhere from Shark Tale to The Perfect Storm. But where do you start if you want to learn RenderMan (or rendering in general)? Here.

This book goes easy on the math, making rendering far more accessible to animators, artists, and 2D illustrators alike. Using plenty of examples and images, Saty Raghavachary explains how rendering works, what RenderMan does, and how to use the RIB file format. (Since RIB’s an industry standard, this book will be valuable even if you don’t have access to RenderMan.)

You’ll find extensive coverage of geometric primitives, transformations, and shading, as well as practical introductions to camera viewpoints and managing tradeoffs amongst speed, quality, and memory consumption. In short, everything you need to do some serious rendering.

Bill Camarda, April 2005 issue of the 'Read Only' email newsletter
Review [in Portugese!] by Gustavo Braga.