Typographical, layout and content-related errors (which will be fixed in the
next edition of the book).
Chapter 4 - Geometric primitives
p.90, Fig. 4.17: extra space [needs to be removed] between figure and caption:
p.134, Fig. 4.68: extra space [needs to be removed] between figure and caption, and missing
border to frame the dots:
Chapter 6 - Camera, output
p.210: '...relative camera subject motion...' should read '...relative camera/subject motion...'.
Chapter 8 - Shading
p.266: The caption for Figure 8.4 needs to say "Top, bottom, front and
uniform lighting".
p.321: extra comma needs to be removed, in `hundreds or even thousands of units,,`
p.368: Entry for Malcolm Kesson needs to read:
Kesson, Malcolm, 310, 326