The following links provide chapter-wise access to all the RIBs, shaders and maps used to create the RenderMan imagery in the book.. The idea is to let you re-create the book's images yourself. Right-click on the RIB/shader/map links to save the files to your disk - this is the best way to make sure you get exact copies of my files.

If you want all the RIBS/shaders/maps in each chapter, it might be tedious to click on individual links and download each file separately. My providing chapter-wise zip file with all the content is not practical, since the file size would be tens of MB (long download times, extra server space). Instead I recommend using a 'site grabber' program using which you can download, for example, all content for Chapter 5 by specifying a single URL such as Such programs recursively visit sub-links given a starter link and save to disk the entire content of the link "tree" (with the directory structure intact).

The images you will see in each page are JPEG-compressed screen grabs from chapter CMYK PDFs. The original RenderMan RGB TIFFs are much sharper and more vivid compared to the screenshots.

Almost all the examples were developed using PRMan. As a result, you might get syntax errors when you try out the examples on non-PRman alternatives such as Aqsis, Pixie, 3Delight, etc. Specifically, PRMan is lax about type declarations of parameters (attributes) in RIB files. For example, PRMan is OK with this:

# no need to specify datatype for 'from', 'intensity', 'lightcolor' and 'coneangle' attrs

LightSource "spotlight" 1 "from" [ 4 7 0 ] "intensity" [20]

	    "lightcolor" [ 1 1 1 ] "coneangle" [95]

Many other renderers (eg. aqsis) expect this stricter syntax:

# each attr string is a pair, of the form "typename attrname" (eg. "float coneangle")

LightSource "spotlight" 1 "point from" [ 4 7 0 ] "float intensity" [20]

	    "color lightcolor" [ 1 1 1 ] "float coneangle" [95]

So you would need to edit the RIB files that you download from this site, and add typenames (float, string, etc.) in front of attribute names. Sorry about the inconvenience!


Chapter 1: Rendering

Chapter 4: Geometric primitives

Chapter 5: Transformations

Chapter 6: Camera

Chapter 7: Controls

Chapter 8: Shading

Note that chapters 2,3,9 and 10 do not contain RenderMan-derived images, and so do not appear in the list above.