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Amazing, awesome, cool book. Using it for a course. Love it. Thanks.

RH, near SCAD (Georgia), 02/26/09 14:26:52 PST
Hello Professor, how are you. long time since I met you. keep in touch, plz! thanks for all the guidance and support.

Gaurav bhalla, USC, 10/21/08 23:23:11 PDT
Hi Saty, Thanks for the useful books (Rendering for Beginners and the RenderMan Shading Language Guide). Many interesting ideas in this one and well written/illustrated. You are filling an obvious hole in the literature for RenderMan. A book covering realistic or real-world applications of RenderMan would be nice. :-) Regards, Danny

Danny Robinson - Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 08/11/08 19:17:21 PDT
Hello Saty.. great new RSL book, congrats to you and Rudy on a fantastique job.

J. Rocher, Paris, 02/08/08 15:29:00 PST
I've received my copy of "rendering for beginners" today, and i've read already 100 pages without breathing. Thank you! :)

Diego F. Goberna, Spain, 08/23/07 11:18:27 PDT
Got a copy of your book a few weeks ago, HAD to read it cover to cover - just couldn't put it down! Thanks for a crystal-clear exposition of RenderMan and other topics. PLEASE WRITE MORE BOOKS!

RH, Florida, 07/27/07 03:05:20 PDT
Hi, this is a wonderful book. I no longer consider myself a RenderMan newbie, thanks to this book. Kudos to the author on a lovely, clear exposition of a "difficult" piece of rendering software.

M. Goldman, Chicago, 06/05/07 22:55:02 PDT
Hi Saty, Hope your doing well. Im trying to reach you on your email address and have sent correspondance through my sony account.. Please let me know if there is a way to contact you , perhaps a number.. thanks Steven K

steven khoury - sony imageworks culver city, 02/27/07 12:28:13 PST
Adding my bit to the chorus of kudos. Every render-happy bloke ought to read your lovely book! Plan to write more books? Hope you do. Cheers.

Bill H., London, 12/21/06 14:58:51 PST
You have written a wonderful intro book, it really helped me get familiar with PRMan in short order. Many thanks!

Harry J., Sydney, 09/25/06 03:06:22 PDT
Hello sir! I have yr. book here with me, using it to learn all about Renderman sir. Yr bk is especially great for beginner like me (I have an infotech degree sir, and I am trying to break into the visual effects field). Your writing is really really good sir. Congrats. Hope you will produce more books to help out people like me. Best wishes and regards, Jayshankar

J.R, Hyderabad, India, 08/17/06 16:51:59 PDT
well done!

wert, 03/28/06 05:33:44 PST
Hi I get your book recently and look through it quickly (detailed read come later) - GREAT!! Thank you.

Palomina, Caracas, Venezuela, 03/14/06 12:34:44 PST
This is a great book. Lots of well crafted examples let you know how to use the most important RenderMan options and attributes. A must have for anyone new to RenderMan

Rudy Cortes - Founder - LookDev TD - WDFA, 02/07/06 20:20:50 PST
Hello Mr. Saty. I buy your book recently and started read it, unable to seem to put it down. Fascinating! Thank you for lots of good info for Renderman beginner like me.

Mr. Hoon, Hong Kong, 12/28/05 16:46:19 PST
Amazing, just amazing. You answered RenderMan questions I had in my head for YEARS - thank you! Yours is a *great* prefect book. Also, this site rocks! Just one thing - please post the reminder of the shaders and RIB files from the book here soon!

Will, Chicago, 10/24/05 12:58:05 PDT
Interesting and entertaining approach which other technical manual neglected to offer. Only downside is trying to save the source code one example at a time.

Toronto, Canada, 09/09/05 17:14:31 PDT
Hi Saty, It's a long time I use 3D software, But I never got "under the hood". RenderMan came as a possible solution for a challenge I have, and your book provided me a good starting point to deal with it!

Ricardo, São Paulo - BR, 06/06/05 08:42:22 PDT
Hi, Saty
My animation partner recently discovered your very good book, we both work hard on renderman these days.... Thank you very much for a really good book.

J. Oh, Seoul, 06/01/05 00:40:04 PDT
Got a copy of your book recently. Lovely! Starting to work through the RIB samples. Thanks for a well-written book and up-to-date web site. Several of my CG friends already have your book, I am going to tell others about it. Hope you can put up the remainder of Chapter 8 samples soon. - Ian

Ian M., New Zealand, 03/30/05 10:06:11 PST
Hello Saty.. I purchased ur book in U.S.A recently while on vacation over there. I am going through it now. All I can say is "Wow!". I am telling all my friends in IIT-Bombay about ur wonderful book. Bye for now.

Sridhar N., Bombay, 03/12/05 10:30:35 PST
Hello I just recieved your book in the mail today. Half way through it now, You have answered many qeustions I have had so far, I am realy enjoying the read, easy to understand and will always be a great reference.

Bill N., 02/24/05 04:04:57 PST
Wow, the book looks great. You've put a mountain of work into it. Very well done. I'll bring it to the attention of all my students. Thanks so much for the desk copy.

Prof. Malcolm Kesson, Savannah College of Art and Design, 02/07/05 23:38:01 PST
you're a great teacher! very enthusiastic and knowledgeable... thank you.

Joe, USC, 12/30/04 02:25:39 PST
Saty, really good book! Congrats.

Rick, San Francisco, 12/28/04 02:14:59 PST
Absolutely fantastic, every bit of it! I love it.

John, London, 12/10/04 07:47:19 PST
Great Book, The Examples are clear and easy to follow, the content is extensive. Love the illustrations and the quality of the paper!!

Mauricio Villamil, Bournemouth,UK, 11/27/04 04:25:22 PST
Just received this - magic!

Dave, UK, 11/06/04 05:44:15 PST
Wonderful book - something I've always wanted..

Sharon, 10/30/04 22:22:38 PDT