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Define a method <tt>addReverses(Set&lt;String&gt; words)</tt> that takes 
a set of strings, and adds to that set the reverse of every string in the set.
For example, if you call it on a set containing <tt>"HI"</tt> and <tt>"MOM"</tt>
then after your method executes, it should contain <tt>"HI"</tt>, <tt>"IH"</tt> and <tt>"MOM"</tt>
(only once, since that's all a <tt>Set</tt> can contain).
A partial solution is given below, but it throws a <tt>ConcurrentModificationException</tt>. You have to fix it.
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Template / Reference solution
public class CME {
   public static void addReverses(Set<String> words) {
      // we will put the reverses in a new place for now
      // while we iterate through the main set
      java.util.HashSet<String> tmp = new java.util.HashSet<String>();
      for (String s : words) 
         tmp.add(new StringBuffer(s).reverse().toString());
      // now that we're done iterating through 'words', add to it
      for (String s : tmp) 
      for (String s : words) { // for each string in the set 
         // a one-liner to compute the reverse of a string
         String sReverse = new StringBuffer(s).reverse().toString();
         // add it to our set
   // test client: e.g. "java CME HI MOM" should print out on 3 lines HI IH MOM
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Set<String> testSet = new TreeSet<String>();
      for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++)
      for (String s : testSet)
Java test suite
See manual
testMain("HI", "MOM");
testMain("MADAM", "IM", "ADAM");
testMain("NOW", "SIR", "A", "WAR", "IS", "WON");
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Java imports
json list of importables
e.g. ["java.util.*"]
["java.util.Set", "java.util.TreeSet"]

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