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Viewing cpp/control/letter_grade by You have unsaved changes. Log in above to create, edit, preview and publish Websheets.
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This program will ALWAYS take a non-negative integer between 70-100 as input from the keyboard. 
It will then print out the letter grade corresponding to the score according to the breakdown:
   <li>for input <tt>97-100</tt> it should output <tt>A+</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>94-96</tt> it should output <tt>A</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>90-93</tt> it should output <tt>A-</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>87-89</tt> it should output <tt>B+</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>84-86</tt> it should output <tt>B</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>80-83</tt> it should output <tt>B-</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>77-79</tt> it should output <tt>C+</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>74-76</tt> it should output <tt>C</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>70-73</tt> it should output <tt>C-</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>67-69</tt> it should output <tt>D+</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>64-66</tt> it should output <tt>D</tt>
   <li>for input <tt>60-63</tt> it should output <tt>D-</tt>
(Don't worry about <tt>F</tt>s. (You shouldn't get one as long as you try), or any other input value.  We will always give you an input in the range 70-100.)
<p>We have used MANY if..else if...else if... statements.  But consider the structure of the desired output.
   <strong>Can you break it into two sequential steps to produce the desired output using less <tt>if</tt> statements</strong>?  
<p>Also do you need compound conditions in all cases
   (i.e. <tt>cond1 && cond2</tt>  or <tt>cond1 || cond2</tt>) to check your ranges or can you take advantage of the if...else if... sequencing in several cases?
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Copied from problem cpp/control/nth (author:
Template / Reference solution
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
   int s; // score
   cin >> s;
   if (s >= 90)
      cout << "A";
   else if (s >= 80)
      cout << "B";
   else if (s >= 70)
      cout << "C";
      cout << "D";
   if( s%10 >= 7 || s == 100)
      cout << "+" << endl;
   else if( s%10 <= 3)
      cout << "-" << endl;
   if(s >= 97 && s <= 100) { cout << "A+" << endl; }
   else if(s >= 94 && s < 97) { cout << "A" << endl; }
   else if(s >= 90 && s < 94) { cout << "A-" << endl; }
   else if(s >= 87 && s < 90) { cout << "B+" << endl; }
   else if(s >= 84 && s < 87) { cout << "B" << endl; }
   else if(s >= 80 && s < 84) { cout << "B-" << endl; }
   else if(s >= 77 && s < 80) { cout << "C+" << endl; }
   else if(s >= 74 && s < 77) { cout << "C" << endl; }
   else if(s >= 70 && s < 74) { cout << "C-" << endl; }
   else if(s >= 67 && s < 70) { cout << "D+" << endl; }
   else if(s >= 64 && s < 67) { cout << "D" << endl; }
   else { cout << "D-" << endl; } 
   return 0;
C++ test suite
json list of stdin/args tests
e.g. [{"stdin":"hi", "args":["4", "5"]},

to just run once with no input use [{}]
   {"stdin": "100"},
   {"stdin": "99"},
   {"stdin": "97"},
   {"stdin": "96"},
   {"stdin": "94"},
   {"stdin": "93"},
   {"stdin": "90"},
   {"stdin": "89"},
   {"stdin": "87"},
   {"stdin": "86"},
   {"stdin": "84"},
   {"stdin": "83"},
   {"stdin": "80"},
   {"stdin": "79"},
   {"stdin": "66"},
   {"stdin": "64"},
   {"stdin": "63"}
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