This assignment concerns the game of Scrabble. You may know the game of Scrabble better as Words with Friends. If you want to try out Words with Friends yourself you can download the free app for your smartphone. However, the programming assignment is not to create the game itself, but to write a console-based program that finds all possible words that can be made from a rack of Scrabble tiles (so it could help someone playing Scrabble). We'll elaborate on the exact requirements of this assignment in the section on the assignment below.
The starter files we are providing for you on Vocareum are listed here. The files in bold below are ones you create and/or modify and submit. The ones not in bold are ones that you will use, but not modify. More details about the java classes below are in the section on class design. The files are:
"I certify that the work submitted for this assignment does not violate USC's student conduct code. In particular, the work is my own, not a collaboration, and does not involve code created by other people or AI software, with the exception of the resources explicitly mentioned in the CS 455 Course Syllabus. And I did not share my solution or parts of it with other students in the course."
For example, if your rack had the letters c m a l you could rearrange the letters to form the words calm or clam, but you could also form shorter words from a subset of the letters, e.g., lam or ma. It's generally difficult to figure out all such sequences of the letters that form real words (unless you are a tournament Scrabble competitor who knows the Scrabble dictionary very well).
For your program, you will display all such words for a rack, with the corresponding Scrabble score for each word, in decreasing order by score. Each letter has a score associated with it, the score for a word is the sum of the scores of each letter in that word. For words with the same scrabble score, the words must appear in alphabetical order. Here are the results for a rack consisting of "cmal" (using the sowpods dictionary) shown in the output format you will be using for your program (user input is shown in italics):
Rack? cmal We can make 11 words from "cmal" All of the words with their scores (sorted by score): 8: calm 8: clam 7: cam 7: mac 5: lac 5: lam 5: mal 4: am 4: ma 2: al 2: la
We'll provide you the Scrabble score for each letter later in this document.
Here's more about exactly how to run your program and what happens:
Your program will take an optional command-line argument for the dictionary file name. If that argument is left off, it will use the Scrabble dictionary file sowpods.txt (see assignment files) from the same directory as you are running your program. (Note: Required error-checking related to the dictionary file is described in the following section.)
Once the program starts it will print the message:
Type . to quit.Then the program will run in a loop on the console, printing the prompt "Rack? " (as seen in the earlier example) and reading and processing each rack you enter, until you tell it to exit. The user tells the program to exit by typing in "." at the prompt (i.e., a period). We aren't use a command such as "quit" as the sentinel, since that could be a legal rack.
We have provided you a few sample data files, and corresponding correct reference output from running those on the sowpods.txt (the Scrabble dictionary given) in the testFiles directory. Also in that directory are a few other smaller dictionaries and sample input and output for them. Please see the README.txt in that directory for guide to the sample files and how to use them. Your output must match the reference output character by character.
The real game of Scrabble has only upper-case letters on tiles, but for our program we'll accept any sequence of non-whitespace characters as a legal "rack." However, words will only be able to be formed from actual letters if that's what's in the given dictionary. E.g., if the rack given is "abc@" you will report the words such as "cab", but there will be no words containing "@", since @ doesn't appear in any dictionary words. If there are such characters in the rack, they also get printed out in the initial message displayed about the rack. E.g, We can make 11 words from "cm!a#l"
The program will work on both lower-and-upper case versions of dictionaries, but all processing will be case-sensitive. E.g., if the dictionary given has only upper-case versions of words, it will find words from a rack such as "CMAL", but won't be able to find any words from the rack "cmal".
Some other differences between this program and Scrabble:
java WordFinder [dictionaryFile]Note: in this common format for showing Unix command-line syntax the square brackets (i.e., []) are not part of the command that is typed: it is just a notation indicating that the command line argument shown is optional.
Additional program requirements are described in the following sections and summarized here:
Suppose the dictionary file given was testFiles/foobar.txt
Error message:
Suppose the dictionary file contained the word "cat" in two
places. E.g., dictionary file contents:
Error message:
The second approach, which is the one you will be using for the assignment,
involves preprocessing the dictionary so that you organize the words
by the set of letters each one contains (this set is actually a
multiset, because letters can appear more than once in a word; the
rack itself is also a multiset). Then for each rack you'll generate all the subsets of that multiset of
letters, and for each subset add all the words from the dictionary
that have exactly the same elements as that subset. This is slower to
process the dictionary, but once we do this processing, it's faster to
process each rack than the first approach. This approach is explained
in more detail in the following two sections.
It's a little complicated to describe in big-O terms the time for each
approach, but what makes the first approach slower for processing one
rack is traversing the whole dictionary (which will typically be
large) for each rack. For the second approach, the slow part
of processing a rack is creating all the subsets. The worst case for
creating the subsets is if there are no repeated letters in the rack
(i.e., largest number of subsets created). Even though generating the
subsets for such a rack would take O(n *
2n) for a rack of n unique characters
(because there are 2n subsets when there are no
repeat characters, and n n steps to form each subset), n will
typically be small: for a 7-tile rack: 27 is only 128,
times 7 is 896). In an instrumented solution we wrote using this approach,
processing the sowpods dictionary took under half a second, and processing
a 7-character rack with no repeating characters, and consisting of the
most commonly occurring letters in English took under 15
milliseconds (this is test file testFiles/
(Commonly occurring letters will result in a larger resulting word list.)
These runs were done on Vocareum.
Some of the time spent for processing a rack in the second approach is
to get the list of anagrams for each subset; we'll discuss that
further in the next section.
The rest of the time spent processing a rack is to sort the resulting
word list.
For full credit on this assignment you'll need to use
this second approach for the assignment; we'll go into further
details about it in the following sections.
You are required to create an AnagramDictionary class to
handle this. It will have a getAnagramsOf method that
finds all anagrams of a particular string efficiently. For, example, suppose
we have a variable, dictionary, of type
AnagramDictionary, that
contains data from the sowpods dictionary. If we did the call
How to do this efficiently? One insight is that if we put two words
into some kind of canonical form, then we could figure out if they are
anagrams of each other by just comparing the canonical versions of
them for equality. This canonical form will be a sorted version of
the characters in the word. In the earlier example
given the rack contained "cmal". The sorted version of this rack
is "aclm". The first two words listed in the output are "calm" and
"clam", anagrams of "aclm",
or put another way, these first two words
are the only dictionary words we can make using all the letters on the
and all the other words listed are
anagrams of subsets of "cmal".
For full credit your AnagramDictionary is
required to find all the anagrams of one
String in time linear in the size of the output set (not including the time to sort
the letters in the String given to put it into canonical form.)
The allSubsets method uses a particular representation for
the rack which we'll explain with an example here. Earlier we
mentioned that a rack is a multiset of letters (set because we don't
care about the order of the letters, and multiset because letters can
appear more than once). Suppose our rack is:
a b a d b b
Gathering together the like letters, we
could rewrite this as "aabbbd". We could also say that 'a' appears
with multiplicity 2, 'b' appears with multiplicity 3, and that 'd'
appears with multiplicity 1. allSubsets expects the rack
information to be in two parallel arrays: one has the unique letters,
and the other has the multiplicity of that letter at the same array
index. The array of unique letters is actually a String, so we can do String
operations on it. For the example given, we could create this rack
representation as follows:
When doing an object-oriented design, you first come up with a
candidate set of classes, choosing a name for each, and identifying
the responsibilities of each in the context of the larger program
overall. We have done that step for you here. We are requiring you
to have at least the following five classes in your solution, with
the responsibilities described. You are allowed to add more classes
to your design as you see fit. The five, with their overall
responsibilities described, are:
One thing to keep in mind is you want the code that operates on some
data to be in the same class that contains that data. One sign that
your design doesn't have that feature is if your classes tend to have
a lot of get and set methods and not much else.
That would indicate that all the code operating on this data is
outside of the class itself.
Hopefully we've made clear the importance of making all instance
variables private. But even if you make your data private there are
other ways to expose the implementation of your objects. For example,
if you have a class that contains an ArrayList, and also provide an
accessor method for this ArrayList, it gives clients the ability to
change the contents of that arraylist from outside of the object
methods, possibly invalidating the object. (We discussed these types
of issues and how to cope with them in the material on side
effects in week 6.)
You are welcome to add additional classes as part of your design.
These ones would be designed and implemented by
you, of course.
If you have more classes, just make sure the
additional .java files are in your Vocareum home directory when you
submit the assignment. If a class is just used by one other class,
you could put it in the same file as that class, or a separate file.
If it is used by multiple classes, it should be in its own file.
Make sure you discuss these additional classes in your design write-up
in your README (including telling us where to find them).
You'll want to test your complete program (and your AnagramDictionary)
on a small dictionary file before subjecting it to sowpods.txt. We
provided a sample small dictionary and input and corresponding output
for some racks in the testFiles directory (more about that
in the next paragraph).
If you find AnagramDictionary-related bugs, you may want to use an even
tinier dictionary for when you are single-stepping, etc.
Once you have all your modules working, you can also check if your
program produces the right answers for sowpods.txt with the other test
input files and corresponding output in the testFiles directory.
Note: The testFiles/README.txt file
describes what's what that directory.
Your README file must document known bugs in your program,
contain the signed certification shown
near the top of this document, and contain any special instructions or
information for the grader.
In addition, for this assignment, your README must also document your
design. This includes the
approach you took to solving the problem (i.e., description of the
data structures and algorithms involved). One part of this was discussed in the
section on approach. You will also include
there information about how your class design relates to this
approach, including what data structures and algorithms are
encapsulated in which of your classes.
When you are ready to submit the assignment press the big "Submit"
button in your PA4 Vocareum work area. Because you may have
additional files in your program, it will try to compile all files in
your work area, and test the resulting program on the small dictionary
data we gave you in testFiles (not on sowpods). As usual,
you will want to submit for the first time well before the final
deadline, so you have time to fix any errors you get on the submit script.
Passing these submit checks is not necessary or sufficient to
submit your code (the graders will get a copy of what you submitted
either way). (It would be necessary but not sufficient for getting
full credit.) However, if your code does not pass all the tests we
would expect that you would include some explanation of that in your
README. One situation where it might fail would be if you only
completed a subset of the assignment (and your README would document
what subset you completed.)
Error checking
The only errors your program is required to check for are listed below.
For each of these errors your program will print the error message shown by example,
then print
Exiting program.
and then exit immediately.
ERROR: Dictionary file "testFiles/foobar.txt" does not exist.
ERROR: Illegal dictionary: dictionary file has a duplicate word: cat
Your program does not have to report all duplicate words, just the
first one it detects. The example given above doesn't have any
other words duplicated ("dog" and "doggy" are two different words).
There are two distinct ways to approach this problem. One is to read
in the dictionary, and then for each rack given, compare each word in
the dictionary to that rack to figure out whether that word can be
formed from some or all of the letters in that rack, creating a list
of the legal words as you go. This is faster to process the
dictionary, but slower to process each rack.
The AnagramDictionary class
For the approach we're using, we said that you would
organize the dictionary words by the (multi)set of letters a word
contains. If two words contain the same exact letters in a different
order, they are called anagrams of each other. If a rack (or subset
of that rack) has all the same letters (and multiplicity of those
letters) as a particular word in the dictionary, that word, plus all
of its anagrams from the dictionary should all be added to the list of
words reported by our WordFinder program.
it would return an ArrayList of the following dictionary words:
Finding all the subsets of the rack
Finding all subsets of a multiset is a somewhat difficult recursion
problem on its own, so to make this assignment easier, we wrote the
code for you to do that (static method allSubsets in The method is static because, like some other
recursive methods we have written, it takes all of its data as
explicit parameters; also, this means allSubsets works
regardless of what representation you choose for your Rack objects (allSubsets
will not be accessing any Rack instance variables). The solution is
similar in structure to the method to compute all permutations of a
string given in Section 13.4 of the textbook.
You will likely have to
write a wrapper method that calls allSubsets with the
correct starting parameters.
// create variables for the rack "aabbbd"
String unique = "abd";
int[] mult = {2, 3, 1};
// example to show relation between values in unique and mult:
for (int i = 0; i < unique.length(); i++) {
System.out.prinln(unique.charAt(i) + " appears " + multi[i] + " times in the rack");
Like other examples of recursion over an array that we've seen,
allSubsets will take a third argument, k, which
is the starting position of the part of the array that this recursive call will
process. So for this code, it's the starting postion from which to
find the subsets. So, for example, if we called
allSubsets(unique, mult, 1); // starts at position 1 in unique and mult
it would find all the subsets of the rack "bbbd" (i.e., it wouldn't
consider the subsets that included any 'a's in it).
Class design
Unlike the previous programs in this course, this time you are going
to design your own classes, with some guidance. Consequently, part of
your style score will be based on the quality of your design.
Although you haven't done much class design yourself, you have seen
many examples of well-designed classes in the textbook, lecture, labs,
and assignments in this class. We recommend you review the following
sections of the textbook that give hints on deciding what classes and
methods would make sense for a program design, before you start on
your own design: 8.1, 8.2, 12.1, and 12.2 (the last two of these were not
in the original readings).
This class should work for both upper and lower case versions of the
letters, e.g., 'a' and 'A' will have the same score.
You can index an array with
a char that is a lower case letter by treating it as an int and
subtracting 'a' from it (because the internal numeric codes for
letters are all sequential). E.g., If your letter is 'd', ('d' -
'a') = 3 and if it's 'e', ('e' - 'a') = 4.
Development hints / Test data
As usual, we recommend creating test drivers for any non-trivial class
you implement to make it easier to debug your code. That should be
pretty easy here, because the classes are somewhat independent from
each other. (WordFinder is an exception since it already is a main
Grading criteria
This program will be graded approximately 2/3 on correctness, 1/3 on
design, style, and documentation. As usual we will be using the style guidelines published for the class.
There was more about design issues in the section on class design in this document. Another issue that
will come into play is effective use of the parts of the Java library we
have learned about. E.g., it's better to use one of the Java
sort methods than reimplementing it.
README file / Submitting your program