CSCI 102 - Fall 2023 Fundamentals of Computation

Additional information will be posted here throughout the course as needed.

Style (Indentation and Commenting)

Exam Information

Online Tools




Suggest Editor

We strongly encourage you to download an editor (though not compiler) to your local laptop so you can write/save/edit your code locally and just copy/paste to Vocareum. We recommend MS Visual Code as a very nice cross-platform editor with many extensible features. Note: You will not be able to compile/run your code with just this tool. It is only an editor. Some C++ compilers are available for free but require other setup.

Linux/Unix Reference


C++ Resources

Other Editors and IDEs

We strongly advise you against using gedit, notepad, or otherĀ primitive editors. Switch to a professional-level environment orĀ editor, such as the following:

GDB Debugger