Item | Title | Due Date (at 11:59PM Pacific) | Access Link |
HW1a | Binary & ASCII Representation (Gradescope) | Thurs, Sep. 12 | Brightspace |
HW1b | Expressions and Statements (Gradescope) | Thurs, Sep. 12 | Brightspace |
HW2 | Conversions and Calculators | Thurs, Sept. 19 | Brightspace |
HW3 | Conditional (If) Statements | Thurs, Sept. 26 | Brightspace |
HW4 | Single Loops | Thurs, Oct. 3 | Brightspace |
PF1 | Portfolio 1 | Thurs, Oct. 17 | Brightspace |
HW5 | Arrays | Thurs, Oct. 24 | Brightspace |
HW6 | Nested Loops | Thurs, Oct. 31 | Brightspace |
PF 3 | Portfolio 2 | Mon., Nov. 18 | Brightspace |
HW7 | Kiosks (User-defined Functions) | Tues., Dec. 3 | Brightspace |
There will be roughly 8 homeworks. Homeworks are intended to help you develop the skills to write programs on your own using the skills and structures. The due dates above are TENTATIVE. As we work through the semester the schedule may change. Any due date changes will be posted here, announced on EdStem and changed on Codio.
You will also have 2 portfolio assignments. These programs will be open ended and allow you to write a program based on your own interest and performing an application of your own choice. We will provides some loose (and achievable) requirements that your program must meet. However, we encourage you to consider applications that go beyond the basic requirements. Portfolio assignments will be graded on a modified CR/NC basis (usually full, partial, or no credit) based on meeting the state requirements. So additional features may not get you additional points, but will increase your proficiency and preparedness for future assignments and exams. More details will be given in the assignments themselves.
Coding and Submission Environment
All assignments will be performed on Codio. Instructions, coding, debugging, and submission will all be delivered and performed on Codio. You are welcome to download relevant source files and code on your own environment, but we will not be able to officially support another environment. In addition, to receive credit, you will run automated tests on your assignments, and that must be done on Codio. So if you work in another environment, you will need to upload your code back to Codio to submit and receive credit. Finally, you must mark your assignment complete on Codio for it to be considered submitted.
The syllabus defines relevant homework policies on the syllabus which define:
- Deadline and late policy
- Collaboration and Academic Integrity policy
- Regrade policy
Below are some additional policies:
- Compiling and Warnings: Many HW and projects require you to compile your code on your own to a particular executable name before the automated tests will run. In this case, you should ensure there are no compiler warnings. If there are please fix them.
- Style: You must follow the style guide outlined here.